Before & After

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Your ugly

Your to fat

no one will ever like you

These are what the voices said. Every time I would try and fight them, But they kept bring me down.

I felt as If I was being sucked into oblivion.

I can't eat.

I try to be perfect.

I met a guy one day. We bonded. We became friends for years. Then, one day he asked me out. He said I was Beautiful.

I could've believed him, But the voice came and said...

No you aren't

Your worthless

I ran. I ran as fast as I could. To my room. I sat in the corner where darkness over took me. I was in pure darkness.

I couldn't take it anymore. The voices were to much. I cry when I wake up and I cry when I'm falling asleep.

No one wants you

You have no one 

Piece of Sh*t

There are right. I am no one. No one will ever love me, want me.

I can't take it anymore.

Wherever I go those voices taunt me. Day and night. Every hour and second of the day.

Am I cursed.

What did I do to deserve this?

I guess they are right  

I'm leaving

I've decided

I make the arrangements

At dawn Tomorrow
I will leave this world 

When I am At the bridge 

I was ready to be taken into the darkness, but then i see something

I see flowers on the other side

I remember what my mother said when I was a little girl.

"Everyone is beautiful in their own way".

"It does not matter on looks, it matters on what is in the inside"

I step off

And I realize She is right.

She gave me the courage to fight off the voices in my head. Every time they would try to bring me down, I would fight and say, "No, I am Beautiful. Any thing you say is not right. You are nothing. I will not be brought down anymore".

Ever since then I have stopped Starving myself, I have stopped listening to the voices, and most important of all I stopped bringing myself down and giving into the darkness. No more.

The darkness won't take me anymore. I am stronger and better. A new me. I no longer listen to what the voices say because they don't matter anymore. The only thing that matters is what I think about myself.

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