30 day letter challenge

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Hey peeps!

Doing a 30 day letter challenge you see!

So yah, erm... Enjoy!! :D

1. Best friend

2. Crush/boy-girlfiend/love

3. Your pearents

4. Your siblings

5. Your Dreams

6. A stranger

7. Ex crush/boy-girl friend

8. Your favourite internet friend

9. Someone you wish you could meet

10. Someone you don't talk as much as you would like to

11. A deceased person you wish you'd like to talk to

12. A perso that you hat/cause you so much pain

13. Someone you wish to forgive you

14. Someone you've drifted away from

15. The person you missed the most

16. Someone thats not in your sate/country

17. Someone from your childhood

18. The person you wish you could be

19. Someone who pesters your mind-good or bad

20. The person who broke your heart the hardest

21. Someone you judged by the first impression

22. Someone you want to give a second chance to

23. The last person you kissed

24. The person that gave you your favourite memory

25.  The person who's going through the worst times

26. The last person you swore on the pinky finger to

27. The friendliest person you knew for a day

28. Someone that changed your life

29. A person you want to tell everything to, but to afraid to

30. Your reflection in the mirror...

Okay so lets start...

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