Part 3

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I looked at my mum who was sat with Ruby and her mum this has to a nightmare or something I don't know why she turned into an insufferable bitch when she moved back before she was one of my best friends 

Mum: hi f/n look who came over why don't you and Ruby go up to your room for a bit

You: this can't be real ugh sure 

Ruby followed me up the stairs to my room I sat down on my bed and she just starred at me with that usual disgusted look on her face seriously what's her problem 

Ruby: where's the bathroom 

You: just across the hall

She turned around and walked straight out of my room went into the bathroom and shut the door I immediately got my phone out and texted Luna and Cinder "SOS come quick grab what you need and get here fast Ruby is in my house this is not a drill I'm begging you I'll do anything you want if you get here quick" they texted back instantly Luna put "oh shit you can't catch a break today I'll set off now" and Cinder put "anything huh I'll be there as fast as I can" then Ruby came back in and I put my phone away 

Ruby: what were you doing 

You: texting my two best friends why does it matter 

She seemed pissed at this again I have no clue why

Ruby: aren't you gonna offer me a seat 

You: sure take a seat where ever you want Cinder, Luna hurry 

Ruby tripped and fell forward and out of instinct I caught her in my arms she looked right into my eyes but it was weird there wasn't her usual hatred for me in them she then shoved me away as she stood up and went back to her usual look of disgust 

You: seriously what's your problem we were best friends before you left then you come back and you hate my guts for no reason you never talk to me you just look at me like I'm a piece of shit but you still wear that scarf that I gave you before you left every fucking day so tell me what's your problem 

I looked at her she looked like she was about to cry shit now I feel bad I didn't want to make her cry i just wanted an answer 


She stormed out of my room and out of the house seriously what the fuck just happened that's when Luna and Cinder came rushing  into my house panting 

Luna: s-sorry I hate running 

Cinder: she looked like she was crying what happened 

You: I've got no clue I seriously don't understand stand women 

L/C: you have no idea 

You: what

L/C: nothing 

You: so what movies did you bring 

Luna: I've got kingsman and Scott pilgrim 

Cinder: and I've got deadpool and scary movie 

You: awesome let's watch them 

I put the movies on sat on my bed with Cinder and Luna on either side of me they were really close literally pressing against me not sure why I mean there's two beanbags in my room so they could use one of them we were halfway through the last movie I noticed that Luna and Cinder had both fallen asleep and were hugging me tight I'll just leave them sleeping last time I tried to wake them up I got punched so I might as well get some sleep  

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