Chapter 4 Part 1

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August 2012

New York City, New York

Harry did migrate with Lauren and Camila to New York City and they did consent to let him move in with them into a very small one bedroom apartment. Harry slept on the pullout couch in the living room, Camila and Lauren in the bedroom. Camila made him sign a contract stating he would, under no circumstances, drill holes in the wall or place any kind of recording devices in the apartment lest he be thrown out onto the street with nothing but the clothes on his back and since Harry had a habit of walking around the apartment in only his boxers, he signed.

Camila attended her classes at Julliard and worked an on-campus job; Harry just left during the days and came home with money. He assured Lauren he wasn't doing anything illegal so she just rolled her eyes and gave him a grocery list. Lauren found a job at a dark, suspicious looking bar where the owner only required her name, a phone number, and an emergency contact. Lauren wrote it all down, putting the number for Harry's pay by the minute phone he'd come home with one afternoon. The bar owner stated that if Lauren didn't ask questions, neither would he. The system worked.

It was rare that the three of them got to spend time together, someone was always working or going to class, their free time rarely overlapped but when it did they were Lauren's favorite moments. She and Camila would snuggle up on the couch, Harry would stretch out on the floor, they'd make a giant bowl of popcorn, and settle down to watch whatever was on TV or catch up on TiVo (the one splurge they'd agreed on).

It was a Sunday afternoon in October, just before Camila and Lauren's anniversary. The brunette had insisted on being the big spoon that day when the trio went through their ritual. Lauren was relaxed back against Camila with her head tucked under the brunette's chin and her fingers entwined with Camila's on her stomach. Harry, seated on the floor and leaning against the couch, flipped through the TV channels and finally settled on a documentary about the 1960's since there was nothing else on.

"We were there," Harry said, pointing to the TV. On the screen were scenes from Woodstock.

Lauren groaned. "Oh God, can we please not talk about that?"

"You went to Woodstock? Like...actual Woodstock?"

"You never told her about that?" Harry smirked and turned to look at the pair. Lauren narrowed her eyes at him.

"No!" she hissed.

"Lo had her first taste of LSD."

"Shut up, Harry."

Camila furrowed her eyebrows. "You've experimented with drugs?"

"Then and then only. It was Woodstock, Camila. What else was I going to do? I haven't touched it or anything else except for alcohol since then."

"Which is a total bummer. She was a horndog when she was on acid."

Camila spit out the drink of water she had just taken, soaking Lauren. The green eyed shot up out of Camila's embrace and grabbed napkins off the coffee table to dry herself off.

"What?" Camila looked back and forth between her girlfriend and her friend.



"I'm going to kill you."

"Mila, it was like..." Harry furrowed his eyebrows and counted on his fingers. "Twenty-five years before you were born. Seriously, no big deal. It was the last time we did it."

"Well yes but I was under the assumption you had discontinued your relationship long before then."

"Sex isn't dating," Harry laughed. "Like I said, it was the last time."

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