이십 일 (Twenty One)

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tagged: MinAgustD

Jhopeeee: got to meet this cool guy!
Igotjams: 😎😜😜😎😜😤😎😤😆😭😆😑😎😎 im mixed in emotions right now!
ChimChim: are try to get hit by my fist @Jhopeeee
Jhopeeee: bro chill dafq 😂 @ChimChim
Jinnnn: something always had to start in the comments
ChimChim: trying to steal my man
Jhopeeee: ugh whatever @ChimChim
MinAgustD: what the hell.
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35 minutes ago


I was struggling for what to write but I finally had an idea which was this so hope you enjoy and please vote and comment

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