4.1 - Never bend your head after a bad performance!

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This is probably something I'm going to re-read myself whenever I feel down.

I feel bad, terribly and awfully sad. It's pricking at me on my guilt conscience and I don't think I've done much about it other than convincing myself that I know I can do better.

It can be hard to recover from a less-than-stellar performance in exams, especially one that you didn't see coming. You might feel angry, embarrassed, and confused. How do you regain your professional confidence? How do I beat myself at the games my own mind is playing with me?

What's phenomenal is that when I got to google to type 'How to overcome bad performance in exams?', the nearest Google-automated suggestions were more like: 'How to move on after a break-up?' -_- I seriously, heart problems are not the only things people are worried about. Nobody has time for that! I have a mind problem right now which I desperately have to solve!

So I've walked into an exam room, felt like I'm on top of the world and suddenly I know what the question is asking, I know the answer- actually the words are on my lips but I don't know what to write. Mostly because I have no idea how to start the whole thing. The answers, although they come, they don't come out smoothly. I walk out of that exam room feeling like a complete wreck.

Ever since, I have been feeling bad. I've lost a bit of the initial confidence I had decked my mind with some weeks back.

This exam was a negative feedback that contradicted the stories that I tell myself— what I'm good at, what I'm capable of — and confirmed my worst fears. But I know that somewhere down the line, I can't let a negative review unravel the story of who I am.

I wanted for once to search beyond my inner voice because clearly I couldn't pay heed to it enough. And where better to look than my favorite Motivational Platforms?

"We're human beings. And sometimes a reality check is quite valuable." Without feedback, after all, there wouldn't be any possibility for growth. "Always getting a glowing review means that you're not challenging yourself."

Well, the truth is that 'It is better to prepare and prevent than repair and repent.

Learn from your mistakes and try your best not to repeat them again in your life. The saddest feeling for a person in the life is -
Had I worked/tried a little harder, I could have achieved more.

Never repent on what is done as it cannot be undone anyhow. So, focus on your present and work for improving yourself. In your case, stop thinking about your exam and if you have any upcoming exam, focus on it and give your best shot. This way you will be able to focus all your energies at your goal.

Life is not about the act, it is all about how you react.

Moving on Positive axis continuously can take you to the Infinity.

Remember: "You have done your best possible in the past: just think what could have been done better and make yourself energized that you will be doing better it in the upcoming time."

So, again times is running: you can't risk the future by living in the past. Always remember:
Future is always beautiful, but her make-up costs a bit.

Motivator 1:

" Dear, you messed up one exam. It's fine. We have all done it. Many people who messed up their complete college degree turned out to be successful. This one exam cannot decide whether you will be successful or not. This was a mistake. No one is perfect. Let's get over it. All this time you are spending on crying over the mistake you made; this time can be used to avoid another mistake. Spend time on things you love and read a self-help book if you like.

You are AWESOME. Never allow the mistakes of today to stop you from reaching your final goals. Fall 8 times, but get back up 9.
You are a winner. BELIEVE in yourself.
All the best!"

Motivator 2:

This has happened to almost everyone at least a couple of times. There is no perfect solution to it. What helps is that you end up focusing more efforts towards your next examination and consequently end up achieving better marks so that the feeling of regret at having missed out on a previous exam is mitigated. Examinations come and go, my friend, life moves on. Don't stick around regretting what is done. It will only end up affecting your future prospects as well. Move on.

Motivator 3:

JUST think That The Time You Waste Regretting About Your Past Mistakes Can Be Utilised To Prepare For The Upcoming Exam Or Anything In Which You Should Perform Well. So Why To Waste Time on the past When U Can Make Your Future Good By Utilising That Time?

Motivator 4:

Just bear in mind that the same reason should not be repeated next time. Because its human nature. Whenever we did not perform well, we will go in search of reasons. If u have reasons for each and every failure, you will stop taking efforts. So stop searching reasons and start allocating more time for your preparations. Have belief in yourself, put maximum efforts. I m sure u will pass in the examination next time :D. All the best.

Two years ago, the future was all that mattered until I made the decision to stay a bit more anchored into the present; which was not a bad thing at least for my spiritual sense. But now I feel it's time, again, to let pragmatism take over.

Let's not live only for the present, it doesn't seem to be challenging me enough.

Let's look forward to a future that I'll build with my own hands.

That is definitely more exciting now.

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