Marke and Ethan AU

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~~~~~~~ETHAN'S P.O.V~~~~~~~

"Ethan!" David yelled.

"David!" I yelled back.

David and I walked into school passing all of the preppy girls. They were all doing their hair or applying makeup for the 11th time this morning. David and I mocked the girls by pretending to brush our hair. Marke and Cheyenne walked down the hallway earning both of us to look like idiots.

David has an all time crush on Cheyenne, and I have an all time crush on Marke. Yes, I am gay. Yes, I am proud. And yes, Marke is the one who turned me gay. I gained my crush in 6th grade and we're in 10th grade. Four years of loving Marke Miller.

David has had a crush on Cheyenne ever since they were in 2nd grade together. David has always been faithful and a best friend.


"I am inviting him. Swear." David said.

"No..why?" I asked.

"Yinz need to be together already!" David exclaimed.

"Fine then you are inviting Cheyenne and telling her you love her." I said.

David looked down and blushed while typing on his phone. After he got done typing he texted Chey to bring Marke and herself. She texted back almost immediately responding yes.



David and I raced to the door. We both were running to open the door. David opened the door to fast and Marke caught me.

"S-Sorry." I responded.

"It's okay." Marke responded.

We all sat down in my living room in a square.

"So..why are we here?" Cheyenne asked.

"We can hang out, play truth or dare." David said.

"Okay...then...Marke, truth or dare?" David asked.

"Um, truth." Marke answered.

"If you could bang anyone here who would it be and why?" David asked.

"Er, probably Ethan. He is cute and innocent." Marke said.

I stood up.

"Do I really look inocent??" I asked and Marke stood up and he is really tall.

We all exchanged our heights. I am 5'5, Cheyenne is 5'4, David is 5'10, and Marke is 6 foot.

Marke is 7 inches taller than I am. I felt really small next to him. If we tried to kiss I would have to go on my tippy toes! Cheyenne and David got dared to kiss. Then my name was called.

"Dare, wait, truth." I switched.

"Can't you said dare first dude. I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Marke." David said proudly.

My face had turnes completely red. I couldn't move. I was to embarassed to do anything.

"I haven't had sex or kissed anyone.." I confessed crying.

"Beeb, we can go easy, I promise." Marke said rubbing my thigh.

I just stayed and cried for no reason. After Marke wiped my tears he picked me up and led me to the closet. I put my head into his chest and we sat for a minute. He whispered sweet nothings into my ear.

He laid me down onto the carpeted floor of the closet and laid on top of me. He guided my arms to his neck and he put his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I felt butterflies swimming in my stomach. His touch was magical. I was addicted to it. He tried taking off my shirt and I didn't allow him too.

I didn't want him to see the cuts on my arm. He would think I am more messed up than I already am. He slid his shirt off. I could still see his abs in the dark. I went to touch them and he didnt let me.

"You have to take your shirt of beeb." He cooed laying his head on my chest, kissing it.

"Just don't judge me.." I whispered and he nodded.

I took my shirt off and he couldn't believe his eyes. Cuts. Everywhere. He kissed every single one of them. My chest, my arms, my waist. He looped a finger into my pants and took them off. There were cuts on my thighs also. He kissed all of them. There was some near my no-no square, but not on there.

He reached his hand in my boxers and started rubbing my no-no square. My willy was getting hard and I arched my back. He took them off and then he took his pants and boxers off.

"Beeb. Here is what you are supposed to do." He said showing me.

"Do you want to stand or sit?" He asked.

"Sit p-please." I stuttered.

He grabbed my waist and lifted me on top of him. His willy was infront of me and I didn't know what to do. He lifted me on top of his willy. It was really wet. I kept clenching my bum whenever I moved accidently.

He grabbed my hips and put me up and down. It hurt a little but it felt good. He kept moaning my name and I was blushing. I kept moaning his name and he squirted something into my bum.

"W-what my bum?" I cried.

"It is okay. It's cum, or seamen there are two words for it. It shouldn't hurt." He reassured.

He had his hand on my willy and flicked his wrist and stuff came out of my willy and he drank it.

"It is seaman or cum. You can drink it during sex." He said.

I nodded putting my clothes back on, my bum hurting really bad. It hurt to walk. Marke had to carry me to the living room. I sat down and jumped out of my seat rubbing my bum. David and Cheyenne laughed at me and Marke offered for me to sit in his lap. I obliged.

"Go a little hard on him? Cheyenne and I already did on the couch." He winked at Cheyenne and she blushed.

"A little, I had to explain the steps." Marke said and I looked down embarassed.

"Well the poor boy can't walk!" David yelled.

"Sorry if you can't give him good enough sex!" Marke yelled back.

I shifted so I was on top of Marke straddling him. I hid my face in his neck, feeling vibrations of his voice. I started crying at the insults being thrown back and forth. Some of them about me. I was soaking his shirt when he noticed. He stopped shouting and hugged me.

David and Cheyenne left the house and I could hear David still shouting outside and Cheyenne calming him down. Once he stopped yelling they left. I was still crying into Marke's chest. I grabbed him tightly thinking he would disappear if I let go.

"Do you want to go to sleep?" Marke asked.

I nodded. He took me upstairs and laid me down.

"Goodnight babe. I love you." Marke said.

"I love you too." I responded.

I slept with my head in his chest and his arms around my waist.




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