and the tension rises

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ever since yesterday. only one thing has been on my mind .  AYLSSA . Alyssa Ratliff . Alyssa lynch . she is like a song to me . it was only an hour , but im utterly in love . a smile crept on my face as I hoped down . " whats rossy all smiley for " rocky teases as I enter the room that starts with living . " oh ya know , when you see a hot girl you are always happy when she's on your mind . "I shrug . " GUYS ! ROSS IS IN LOVE !" rocky calls . several feet start pounding to the living room . " really was that nessisary rocky " I ask him . " um yea " he says in a DUH - im -not- an -idiot-ross tone. the tone I am very familiar with ." tell us " rydel says fangirling . " well okay , Alyssa . I am in love with her . she is just perfect . " I say starting to daydream








" you can't like Alyssa !" rocky says seriously . " why not , she's my age " I ask . " because I like her " he stands up . " no way I like her !" Ryland stands up . " all of ya'll stop okay . I like her so you can't have her " riker stands up . " guys calm down . there is nothing to fight about we just met the girl " rydel said trying to make the tension fade . that wasn't working very well . " you can't tell me who and who not to like " I tell them . " I can I am the oldest , ross you cannot like her " riker says . " HA! " rocky and Ryland unisonized . " you can't either " he tells them both . " well your to old for her " we yell at him . " she's my age " I complain . " she is just a year younger than me it's not that big of a difference " rocky reasons . " well she is just a year older than me !" Ryland adds . " im only 3 years it's still legal " riker comments . " SAYS WHO !!!" I shout . :" SAYS THE LAW !"he yelled back at me. " the law isn't in  love !" Ryland rolls his eyes . " no but i am " riker cross's his arms . " guys " rydel says unsure . " oh please your not in love you just think you are I FOR ONE am in love there is a major difference " rocky slys . " your a major difference " I roll my eyes . " GUYS !" rydel yells standing up . we all get quiet . " YOU JUST MET THE GIRL YESTURDAY ! AND IT WAS ONLY FOR AN HOUR ! NONE OF YOU KNOW WHAT THE STARS LOVE IS ! SO JUST DROP IT , THERE IS NO POINT IN FIGHTING OVER A GIRL . AND YOU CAN'T DATE HER ANYWAYS RATLIFF IS FAMILY SO SHE IS . NOW SHUT UP YOUR ANNOYING AND STUPID MOUTHS AND GET READY !!!!!!!!!!!!" rydel screams in fury . " get ready for what ???" Ryland asks barely audible . rydel rolls her eyes . " Ratliff and Alyssa will be over in a few minutes . " ALYSSA !!!!" we smile instantly in unison then glare at each other . " yes , now you've spent all this time fighting so I expect you to go upstairs and change immediately " she says sternly pointing to the stairs . we look at the stairs , back at rydel , back at the stairs , and all start racing and pushing each other to make it to our rooms . " boys " rydel mumbles but I was way to focused on looking my best for Alyssa to care


"common lyssa we're gonna be late !" Ellington rushed me . " UGH! Ellington we won't be late just let me finish getting ready !" I complained . " I'm not the one that slept till 11 " he shrugged . " well I am , now leave so I can change !" I shove him out my room . I was currently in my white fuzzy robe with blue hearts all over it , and some purple fuzzy shorts . I know hot to sleep in . well I had nothing else . I also had a toothbrush hanging out of my mouth . I locked the door and spit out the salivia in my mouth . now to get dressed . I throw on a white and blue simple stripped t-shirt that was tight and some white short shorts . I combed my hair straight and put it in a poney tail . I grabbed my light blue sunglasses that are the nerdy kind and my phone that was in it's silver sparkly case . lastly I put on my white flipflops and flopped down stairs where my brother was impatiently waiting with Kelly . " hey Kell !" I hug her tightly . it's been forever since I've seen her ! . " ALYSSA ! it's been a while you looks so cute , did you get taller ?" she asked . " KELLY ! I know it has , thank you , and that might be possible " I answer all at once . she laughs . " so you ready to see our lynch friends , " she asks  then whispers in my ear " got any eye candy yet I promise I won't tell "  and she winks with that . I shake my head no . " still focusing on my school and career no time for boys " I sigh . " you will have time with the band cuties , I already got my pick " she kisses my brothers cheek and we both giggle . " so did I change your mind " she asks . " no Kell . im not dating right now " I sigh . " it's okay you'll come around " she smiles broadly . I roll my eyes . " now lets go " Ellington says cross eyed . we walk out to the car and drive to the lynches . as soon as I knocked on the door it swung open revealing Ryland . " hi Ryland " I wave at him . he flips his beiber hair . " sup " . then ross slides in the doorway . " hey ross " I wave at him . " hey Alyssa " he smiles . " and riker " I laugh awkwardly as he slips out of the shadows . " and rocky " I say more quietly confused at what there doing . boys , whatta ya gonna do ? " move out the way fatties " a girly voice says in a annoyed voice . rydel makes it to the front and opens up her arms . " ALYSSA !" she smiles . "RYDEL " I mimck . I hug her and release . " Kelly is here " I point back behind me . " Kelly how are you " rydel asks diving for another hug . " im great del and you ?" she asks . " amazing ! , now you girls come with me and we can leave the boys to burn down the house in anyway possible " she waves her hand as in a who cares way . we both laugh and disappear upstairs . " what ?" a chorus of boys asked as we faded their view . up the stairs we go until we enter the most pinkest room in the universe . it was pink from roof to floor and plastered with more pink . it also had a bit of hello kitty pink . it was very......." pink ?" rydel asks reading my thoughts . I nodded . " thanks for admiring my work " she took a bow . i chuckle and roll my eyes . " so how are the boys " Kelly asks . ; fine and girl crazed still " rydel winks . she's funny . and cool . that's sooo AWESOME !. " so Alyssa lets get to know each other , im rydel lynch sister of the bozo's downstairs . you already know we are in a band . as you can see i like pink and hello kitty . i love fashion . i love music and dancing . and that is me what about you " she asks me . " well i am Alyssa Ratliff i am sister of THE bozo downstairs with your bozo's of brothers . i am a model for areo postele . i like navy blue and music . i like swimming . my favorite place is the beach . and i have been dancing and singing since i was a toddler . " i tell her . " that's cool . someone as awesome as you has got to have a boyfriend , crush , or something right " she asks poking me with a devios smile . " no . i don't want a relation ship right now . i am focused on my career and finishing school . " i tell her . " well that's cool . just llike me buzzy as a bee have no time for he's right " she ask . i nod with a goofy smile . she really gets me . " Alyssa is to stubborn to date . YOUR 17 SWEETY YOU NEED A GUY !" Kelly jokes . " NOOOOO , i don't need a guy to survive " i shake me head rapidly . " yea Kelly we don't need a guy to live " and rydel throws a puffy pink pillow at her . " and besides i have 4 brothers that can't keep their eyes off of you " rydel mumbles . "ohh that's why they act soo weird " i say in realiziation . ' yea they wouldn't stop fighting before i told them you were coming over " she says annoyed . " why would they fight over me . i just met them . and besides . i don't wanna tear up the band ya'll rock " i tell del . " thanks . and you wouldn't tear up the band , but im afraid they will . " she sadly says . " WHAT NO !" i say setting down the pillow i was holding . " ya'll can't " i say seriously . " well we can't do anything it's the boys " she sighs . " yes we can we just have to make them let her go " Kelly taps her chin . " what like stage a boyfriend for her " rydel questions . Kelly's face brightens "YEA! perfect " . " but who " i ask . " we could set you up with ..... " Kelly looks happily at me . " please don't say ....." she cuts me off . " jake ! " she nods . jake short is who . yes i know jake . see i have a very complicated past .i lived in Colorado . then moved to Indiana with my aunt . me and jake met , became besties . then he moved to California . then i moved to Florida . now im here for the summer. i am older then jake . " wait im older though " i say trying to get out of it . luckily that got me . " true , maybe danny " Kelly agrees . danny is my crush . i know i said i didn't have one BUT I DO ......and it's danny . " okay that  will work " i approve .... OF COURSE THAT WILL WORK !!!!!!!!. danny is my bestie from Florida . my group from school was danny , zoey , amy , kyle and Brandon . 3 boys 3 girls . we are all the whiz kids at school . and i feel so sad i have to stay away from them for 3 months . it makes me sad . " call him " rlydel ushers me . i whip out my phone and tap on danny . he picked up on the 4th ring . " yellow " he asked . " blue " i answer . " oh hey lyss how's California " he asked . " hot and confusing " i answer . " how " he asks . " well we are by the equator and " " no i mean the confusing part " he asks . i take a deep breath . " my brothers friends all have crushes on me and i don't want to break up the band beacuase is i date one of them the rest will get mad and if i don't they will continue to fight so i need a fake boyfriend . so will you be my fake boyfriend . everyone at home can know it's fake but just for a while until they all get a life " i say quickly . " so you want me to be your pretend boyfriend so you don't break up R5 and the boys don't go crazy over you or crazier " he asks . " yes " i say unsurly . " yea okay ": he agrees . " thanks sooooooooooo much danny !!" i say reilieved . " no problem so how do we do this im in florida . " he asks . " i guess call a lot . face time , text , if i say your on speaker then it means your supposed to act lovey " i shug . " works for me , see ya later babe " that made me melt . " bye danny " i say shakily . we hang up and i turn to 2 arm crossed , eyebrows raised girls . they found out i have a crush on him didn't they . stupid shaky lovey fan girl bye daanny ! . " tell no one " i tell them . they giggle . " so should we get the boyfriend plan started " rydel asks . " i guess " i shrug . " go along with what we say " Kelly instructs me . we start to walk down the stairs . " i cannot believe your dating a guy like him " rydel coo's . " yea your so lucky . but i have ell so " Kelly shrugs as the room got silent . " he is just so sweet and all . danny is literally the best " i swoon ..... i look down the rail to the couch with 4 jaw dropped boys . a clueless brother , and OHHHH COOKIES !!!!" " hey guys " i wave awkwardly . my mind is still set on cookie . i run down stairs . " we met again " i hold up a cookie and eat it . " danny would go crazy if he saw these " i look at del and kel . " like you " they ask and laugh . i shrug .

my bestfriend's sister ...WHAT ! ( r5 fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now