aelin accidentally blurts out that shes pregnant...

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Aelin didn't know how rowan would take it, they had been trying for ages but it just seemed so real.
She was...pregnant
The sudden realisation hit her like a brick, she was pregnant!
But what if she tells rowan and he doesn't want a baby after Lyria, what if he leaves, what if...
No they had wanted this ages, years even, but how would she tell him, she was only a few weeks along but she should tell him right?
"Aelin, are you okay?"
It was Rowan. She had zoned out. Again.
"Yeah...yeah I... I'm fine" she mumbled, blinking back to reality.
Rowan didn't look to convinced but he continued on anyway.
"So I was thinking, since Dorian is coming to stay, why don't we throw...Aelin"
"Yeah" she said, trying to remember what he was talking about, but failing.
"Okay what's going on? You seem distant and jumpy, your scent is also a bit off as well"
Aelin was shocked. She forgot that he would be able to scent her.
She should just tell him while they were on the topic but... no I will do this. Here goes nothing.
"Rowan I... well...we are... um"
"Good news everybody! So it turns out Dorians coming early because Manon wants some girl time with the 13, so she's basically kicking Dorian out, so Dorian thought he may as well come here early and... am I interrupting something...?"
Aedion stopped when aelin shot him a seething glare.
Just as she was about to tell rowan, aedion ruins it, as usual.
Aelin was still glaring at aedion when he asked
" what's up with your scent? It seems off, weird almost"
She was sick of people asking that and at the concerned glances her mate kept throwing her way, before she could stop herself, her anger got the best of her,
"I'm pregnant" she blurted out.
Both aedion and rowan stilled.
"What" aedion's voice was so quite she could barely hear him.

Pregnant aelinWhere stories live. Discover now