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Okay so i know this is super duper late but i decided to check wattpad today and saw some comments asking for more and thought...why not?

So this may be super bad but at least i updated right? :)

The two fae males stood perfectly unmoving, jaws gaping and eyes wide, if it had been any other time, then Aelin would be rolling on the floor laughing but she felt that that would probably not be very appropriate at this exact moment in time. she watched Rowans expression completely unknowing as to how her mate would react. they had wanted a baby ages, but was know the right time, did rowan still want a baby after Lyria, would we be good parents?

So many thoughts were rushing through Aelin's thoughts, she had killed so many people and basically saved the world and yet the thought of raising a child had her mind in an absolute panic 24/7. 

Aelin was frozen, unsure as to what to do, did she leave the two males to dwell on what she had just told them, pretend like nothing happened? Wyrd this is terrifying.

though she was watching Rowan the whole time, she had been so lost in thought that she had not noticed the massive grin take over her mates face, transforming him from the stone cold fae warrior she had first met into the beautiful man that she had married and called her own.

''I'm... I'm going to be a dad?'' Rowan asked. Aelin nodded, a small smile gracing her lips, ''i'm going to be a dad!''He strode towards her, eyes crinkling as his grin widened with every step closer until he engulfed her in a hug, laughing joyfully and spinning her around.

Aelin felt light as a feather, all the fear and uncertainty she had felt disappearing as her mate spun her around in circles, she had never been happier.

''We're having a baby!'' Rowan screamed, hoping the whole castle heard his announcement, ''I'm going to be a dad!''

He let out a brilliant laugh that seemed to echo through the room and finally startle Aedion from his stupor. 

''Holy shit your pregnant!" Aedion ran up to Aelin intending to hug his cousin, though it seemed that Rowan did not like the idea of another man touching his mate at that moment in time. Rowan snarled and tugged his mate away from Aedion, glaring at the other man.

''no swearing in front of the baby''Rowan looked as if he were ready to pounce on aedion.

''Woah buddy, ease up, no need to get all territorial on us now.'' Aelin laughed, patting his chest.'' i'm sure the baby didn't even hear Aedion's inappropriate language .

Rowan huffed but managed to stop snarling at Aedion for long enough to whisper, ''This...this is amazing, a miracle, i will spoil our child rotten, we need a nursery and toys and-!''

"okay, i get your having a moment and all, but i'm going to be an uncle, can i at least hug my cousin?''The only reason rowan agreed to let his mate go was because of the jealousy he detected in Aedion's words which satisfied his male ego.

Aedion pulled Aelin into a tight bear hug and asked,'' can i be the fairy godfather... i'll be a fairy god uncle! i'll buy them anything they want and take them on amazing journeys, i'll be the best uncle ever!" Aelin raised an eyebrow at him but couldn't stop the smile that lit up her face again.

''Why do you want to be a fairy god uncle as well? isn't being an uncle enough? plus Lysandra already asked to be fairy god aunt.''

Aedion pouted at his cousin, ''but i want to be fairy god uncle, how about we be fairy god aunt and uncle!'' He smiled brightly at Aelin, clearly proud of the idea,'' wait a second, Lysandra already knew about this? Before me?"

Both Rowan and Aedion were gaping at her again, she tried to stifle her smile at the hilarious situation but it was no use, she had not been able to stop smiling throughout this whole encounter.

''Hey don't give me that look,'' she crossed her arms across her chest and continued,'' shes my best friend, plus she may have just...been the one to realize i was pregnant''

Aedion just shook his head with a mumbled,  ''Of course she found out first"

Rowan didn't know why Aedion wanted to be some weird fairy from fairy tales but he didn't care, Aedion could be fairy god uncle and uncle but rowan was better, he was going to a dad.

''Okay this little surprise conversation was great but i could really go for a chocolate cake right now especially since i'm eating for two now'' Aelin grinned cheekily at Aedion and Aedion knew he was being volunteered to get his cousin cake.

''I will only get you cake if i can be fairy god uncle'' He gave her a golden smile, surely this would work, right?

Aelin threw a very over exaggerated pout at her cousin, his shoulder fell and he another pout pulled at his lips as he turned on his heels, ''fineeeee'', He admitted defeat and left, fighting with a pregnant lady is rude, and he did not want to get on Aelin's bad side.

Rowan laughed at the pathetic man that Aelin called her cousin, as much as he pretended though, he did not hate Aedion, he was a good warrior and loyal to Aelin, that was ll that mattered.

Now that Aedion was gone, Rowan embraced his mate again, his cheeks were surely going to get sore soon from how much he was smiling but he couldn't bring himself to care because he was going to be a dad, and he would be the best father ever.

They stayed embraced in each others arms the whole time until Aedion finally returned with Aelin's chocolate cake, Fleetfoot in tow. it took some convincing to get her mate to get her mate to let go of her again and though she did not exactly want to leave his warm embrace, it was for a good cause. Chocolate cake.


Okay so this was completely horrible, i suck at writing dialogue, and Aedion seems really pathetic but you guys can always help me fix it up. Feel free to comment some pointers or grammatical errors (i'm sure there's lots) 

Plus it is most definitely longer then the first part, that's gotta count for something:)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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