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"H"- Italian (Let's just consider this the language most of them know)


The blizzard was stronger than ever before.

A small child cuddled into himself as a particularly chilly wind blew through the field. He pulled his white jacket tighter around his shivering body as snow covered his short hair. He shut his eyes tightly, trying to fight off the chills racking his tiny body.

Vaguely, he recalled a time when he was not alone in the middle of this harsh winter. His sisters would comfort him as they waited for the cold, harsh winter to pass. A rueful smile crept along his lips as he remembered their nice words and sweet promises.

They left me... after promising that they would always be with me... they left... no wonder... I am truly dangerous to have around after all...

He opened his eyes and looked at the dark sky. It seemed to be as dreary as his own emotions. "-hearing things! It's all just a trick of the wind!" someone shouted from afar. They sounded truly irritated. A deafening silence enshrouded the area. Even the harsh winds had stopped blowing.

"... I'm sure I heard someone crying... Eduard, you heard it, too... Right?" he wondered how someone could sound unsure yet determined at the same time. "Che... Go on ahead and freeze to death for all I care! I'm heading home!" the sound of fading footsteps echoed in the sudden silence.

"Tsk... He doesn't have even an ounce of patience. Let's hurry. No one should be left alone in this kind of weather." The voice sounded stern, with a hint of worry. He unconsciously began whimpering at the sound. "Eduard! Over here!" the person sounded so close, yet he was drifting away already. He felt something soft and small on his head.

Sleepy blue eyes looked at the cause of the sudden warmth he felt. His eyes met with concerned green ones. The boy before him gave a relieved smile, seemingly not minding the snow on his brown hair. "Hey, why are you out here?" he asked in a soft voice. The child only somewhat understood the language.

The child in the snow blinked slowly as he tried to comprehend his situation. His face scrunched up with a frown as the question registered in his tired mind. His blue eyes showed his confusion as snow began to fall once more.

He was anticipating the cold flakes to fall on his beige hair once again, but they did not.

He looked up and saw another child standing behind the brown haired boy. His eyes locked with shocked blue ones. The other boy's right hand held an umbrella over the three of them. His left hand adjusted his glasses.

"Where do you live? We can walk you back if we know." He had said in a stern voice. The child looked at them in confusion, not fully understanding. "Toris, you talk to him. You're better at these things than I am, at least." The blonde said dismissively, eyes never leaving the still shivering child.

"Ehe... What Eduard here means to say is that it is not exactly safe for anyone to be out here for a prolonged amount of time. If we know where you live, we can take you home." The soft voice sounded so welcoming, he could not help the tears now glistening in his blue eyes.

"... Here..." he had mumbled without thinking. The confused looks of the two newcomers made him blush and stutter. "I li-live here..." he repeated his words, pointing at the frozen wasteland behind him. "My house is... somewhere around there..." he felt embarrassed for forgetting, even if for only a short amount of time.

The two children looked at each other before the soft-spoken one switched to Russian, "Do you live with anyone?" "No." He answered with a sad smile. "My sisters used to stay with me, but they eventually moved out..." he added.

His companions looked at each other again, before nodding at the same time. "You are Russia, correct?" the blonde asked with a knowing look."My name is Estonia, but my friends call me Eduard."

"Yes. I am. Feel free to call me Ivan if you want..." he introduced himself in turn.

"And I'm Lithuania. Just 'Toris' would do. If you want, you can come spend winter at our place." The brunette said with a small smile. He was shocked at the statement. They've barely just met and they were asking him to spend months at their place?!

"I... I'll endanger you somehow..." he said softly. "Nonsense! You will be in danger if you are out here alone!" The brunette answered in a concerned tone.

"We don't mind. Our family won't mind either. No, wait... they would probably hurry to our place to squeal at and cuddle with you...!" the blonde had an irritated look on his face, though it was short lived as he sighed softly. "Oh well..."

Ivan suddenly found himself being lifted into a warm embrace. The brunette smiled at him again, before carrying him. "We are not leaving you alone, right?" the blonde looked at him before looking at Ivan and nodding. "Yes. Definitely not."


Toris opened the rich mahogany door for them.

The interior of the house was elegant, to say the least. The walls were white, with curved streaks of gold gracefully dancing at the top. The brunette walked inside and went to their dining room. Once there, he took of his green, military like, jacket and simply hung it over a chair.

Eduard sighed at the other's habit before pulling Ivan inside their warm home. He put his brown jacket on the hanger they had by the door, before helping Ivan with the boy's own jacket. By the time they entered the dining room, Toris was already setting up three mugs of fresh, hot chocolate on the table.

Ivan hesitantly sat between his two companions, unsure of what to do. "Don't be scared. It won't bite." Toris said, sipping at his own cup.

Ivan slowly drank his share. He looked outside the window situated to his left and he saw the pale moon watching over them from afar. Glancing about, his blue eyes landed on the grandfather clock on the right side of the room. It read eleven thirty.

Practically midnight, yet they went to find him...!?

As Ivan pondered on the 'why's and 'how's, Eduard noticed him glancing at the clock. The blonde took a peek himself and almost gasped at the time. "It's getting late. We should call this a day, no?" he gave Toris a pointed look while subtly gesturing between the clock and Ivan, whose eyes were barely staying open.

"We should." The brunette agreed, taking the three cups and cleaning up. Ivan tried to stifle a yawn as he began to nod off. Someone helped him stand and get upstairs to a guest room. He was unsure who helped him, mind drifting off into a dream, but he was able to mumble a soft "Good night..." before sleep completely took him.

Eduard pulled the fluffy white blanket over him and whispered a soft "Good night..." before walking outside. "Good night." Toris  him told him before walking to his own room, yawning as he opened the door. "Is Ivan-chan* asleep?" the blonde nodded.

"Good night, Toris." He said before heading to his room to rest.

Tomorrow would be hectic.

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