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jungkook's pov

"From now on, each hair and tears from you are mine."

I swore to lucifer, my cheeks started burning so hard, i raised my hands to cupped my own cheeks. fuck that was hot.

"heh, come on let's go into your new home." the brunette guy said, leading me to the white mansion not so far away.

After 2 minute silent walk, we reached the house and- damn what the fuck is this guy be doing in his daily life? The mansion stood perfectly with a gigantic fountain in front of the house, displayed with a lion statue that had waterfall flowing through its mouth. Surrounding the house, had trees and garden all around. I've never seen a house this big before, as i stood half naked, looking at the mansion in front of me in awe.

"done looking?" 

that handsome guy said, is he trying to play with my damn mind?

"u-uh sorry.. I've never seen this big of a house before.." i started fidgeting my hand together, feeling very nervous all of a sudden.

those boxy smile of him appeared again.

"cute" he said under his breath.

thump thump

my heart was beating very fast, i dated lots of guys before but I've never felt anything like this and to a guy i barely know.

as i was thinking, the front doors suddenly opened, making me startled a little bit. a man came into view, wearing a fancy butler suit, his brown hair styled to the side.

"welcome home, sir." he bowed his body slightly, i cant stop looking at him.

my owner walked into the mansion and gestured me to follow. i wrapped my hands around myself, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

the mansion was enormous, crystal chandeliers hanging off the tall ceiling, two stairways colored with gold and silver its way up to the first floor. expensive looking paintings scattered the wall, i could recognized some van gogh's artworks.

he probably likes arts huh

"namjoon, take jungkook to wash up." the brunet spoke to the butler who's call namjoon, breaking me out of my trance.

"u-uhm" i stuttered, feeling nervous being alone with other person.

"don't worry, I'll be waiting for you. namjoon will help cleaning you up." he grasped my hand gently, assuring me that it'll be okay. i felt safe again.

i nodded and he patted my head before namjoon, the butler, gesturing me to follow him. i followed nonetheless but gazed back at the brunet, seeing him smile at me. my heart fluttered again.

why does his smile is so familiar and warm?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

uhhhhh HI IM BACK

how many decades has it been lol

im so so so sorry for not updating for sooooo long >< seeing y'all commenting for new updates made me feel so guilty I LOVE YALL so here it is!!! im probably gonna hang out on wattpad a lot more often just for u guys!

im so so so sorry for not updating for sooooo long >< seeing y'all commenting for new updates made me feel so guilty I LOVE YALL so here it is!!! im probably gonna hang out on wattpad a lot more often just for u guys!

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thank you for supporting me and my works even though i suck and procrastinated to much😩

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