Finding Out

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Your POV 

after me and star had fun she went to her room and i went to my room i just took a book and laid down on the bed and red the book(red is the past form for read)after a while i heard a knock on my door i get up and open the door seeing tom and marco looking at me and i look at them and they look at me and marco said "listen YN i know you have a crush on star" i answered" i dont have a crush on her" marco shouted at me"DONT LIE!" i said"I AM NOT LYING!!"then star comes and said" whoa whoa whats going on here?" marco told her" star be truthful who do you have a crush on me,tom or YN??" she looked at the three of us but i just went in my room and locked my door why did this happen when i came in this country i guess i should go back to my country i lay down thinking about what just happened i just want things to go back to normal ugh fuck

Star's POV 

i told tom and Marco to leave me alone so they did they went outside and hanged out in his trolley i knocked on YN's Door and he answered"who?" i said" knock knock"  he asnwered" whos there?"  i answered"Theodore" he answered" Theodore who?" "Theodore wasn't open so i knocked" he opened the door and let me in he said" nice joke" i said" thanks but are you ok?" he nodded and said" i am okay just i dont like to fight people i know and i dont like hurting them"  i said" thats so sweet and i have something to tell you" he said" yeah?" i said"i-i-i do have a crush on you" he looked shocked i knew i missed up again he smiled and said" i do too" he hugged me and i hugged him back he told me " shhhhhhhhh dont tell marco and tom or they will beat the hell out of me" i nodded and said" finally my crush is my boyfriend" he smiled and said" wanna watch a movie with our friends?" i nodded and called jackie and pony head and janna and starfan13 and why not marco and tom i know i hate tom but lets let tom do something instead of trying to kill YN well we are going to watch  a horror movie YN picked for us hope its not that scary 

Your POV

i picked the movie The Exorcist (PS its a real life movie:3) its a scary one i heard one of my old friends told me


pony head,Jackie,Janna,Marco,StarFan13 and Tom for some reason but i he dont mind i told pony head to come with me so i could say sorry"listen Pony head i am sorry" she said"i am sorry too" we came back and i opened Netflix on the TV surprised that they dont have a account so i signed into mine that i had to of course pay for and opened The Exorcist 

===after the movie===

marco yelled"THAT HAD 18+ ON IT" i answered" what cant handle it" i teased him he got mad and i laughed at him i told him" whoa whoa calm down i was just teasing Ya" he looked at me and went to his room i followed him into his room and he said" What do you want" i answered him" come on i was joking around like friends do" he opened the door and said he was sorry i said " theres so no need to be sorry" he went downstairs with me and sat down in the middle of me and star i guess he is jealous still but he dosent know i am her fucking bf i guess i will break it to everyone before Jackie Janna and pony head and starfan13 and tom leave 

===when it was the time to leave===

"guys i have some thing to say"everyone turned around i whispered to star"i will tell them"  she nodded "me and star and BF and GF" their mouths dropped" i had  a crush on him" star said"its okay if he makes you happy" pony head" You better not break her heart earth boy" "i have something else to break" they said"yeah?" "i am a mewman like star" their mouth dropped again"What the heck why do you keep so many secrets from us" "i have another thing i need to break to ya'all i have magic eyes" i showed them my eyes and their mouths dropped even more except marco they left and i shut the door and star said"well  umm if were now together can we cuddle tonight" she asked putting 2 fingers together i said" of course she said" thanks YN" we went to my room and slept what a great day i had so much fun and now i have a gf great day


Ey my peeps and yep you guessed it a new chapter and now imma take a break and chill now Have A good ass day everybody:3


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