I'm back. Again. After like, what, 2 years? Goddamn. Actually I'm back so I can write something. I probably chose just the wrong time to do so, as school will start in a month again but I thought why not cause I'm barely doing anything. I do have a problem with hardcore writers block and writing people back on this app, but I'm basically just writing down whatever I come up with in my head at whatever time and just making it work as a story.
What am I writing about? Why David, I thought you'd never ask! *cough* *cough* hint *cough*
I'm going to be writing a fanfic on something I think has gained popularity (a little, at least) recently:
Camp Camp!(If you don't know what that is and are over the age of 11, then search it up on Youtube or sign up for VRV and watch it! It's an animated WEBSERIES (NOT KIDS SHOW) by RoosterTeeth, and is pretty inappropiate, hence why I think anyone under 12 shouldn't watch.)
But anyway since I like the show amd already finished it and BECAME ADDICTED FOR MORE OF IT THAT I CAN'T YET HAVE, I decided to look at what the Camp Camp Community Trash had to offer. I found fanfics (AGAIN) and read fanfics and noticed that, there aren't many fanfics featuring Max/Nikki (but there are PLENTY of MAX/PRESTON OR MAX/NEIL and stuff because APPARENTLY THIS FANDOM IS LIKE UBER-GAY
(nothing wrong with that, but I CAN'T FIND EVEN ON FIC THAT DOESN'T HAVE A GAY COUPLE IN THIS FANDOM)) so I decided to write my own little things because IM SO DEAD INSIDE.Anyway... Uh I'll start writing now, I'll try to update regularly but it's not likely as I'm (surprisingly) kind of busy now with working for my Grandparents and I'll probably have to start driving for hours with my new permit and school shit. But seeing as how I alreay have the ideas in my head this could take hours, days, or a month to write down most of it but we'll just see, eh?
Uh, see ya!
RandomI guess I'll write in this when im tagged and when I feel like doing so...