That One Night *Justin Bieber FanFic*

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My first book so please go easy on me.. It took a while for me to think of this idea so please just give it a chance. And yes. It's a Bieber romance, you got hate for him go take it up with someone who gives a shit. ANYWAY------ movin' on. My first try at writing..

~Ashley McHale~

Sometimes I wonder if i truly belong here. I took another hit of my cigarette and tried to focus. On what though? My mind is simply everywhere. First with Jonathan, now on this.. This thing called life is truly impossible. I take another hit, finishing the waste of seven dollars and fifty cents. Call me rude all you want, I believe smoking will kill you faster, but let’s just face the facts. No one likes being here too much anyway. Too much stress.

I started to walk back into work, slipping my pack into my purse. The allyway was filled with steam from apartment buildings and other corporate office buildings. I happened to work in one of them. I opened the back door to where seventy percent of my life takes place. The other part of my life is about a block down with my dog Daisy who hates me and pisses me off just because she’s bored. I don’t see how Daisy was a good birthday present from my adopted mom, Amber. The damn poodle never shuts up.

“Ashley, I thought you said you quit,” Joe chucked as he looked up at me, unlocking the door for me to enter the office sector. The door beeped as I rolled my eyes in response. Joe was a guy in his mid thirties, a wife and a baby on the way. He cares way too much for people. I think he’s also a Jesus lover kinda guy. More power to him.

“I did for about five minutes, those were the most scariest five minutes of my life,” I hold a small smile as I walk past his open door and walk to my office. It was small. Sixteen by sixteen. I don’t mind. My job here isn’t too hard. I sit at my laptop all day and type, edit and correct. Working for a small food magazine isn’t too hard. But paying of years of college debt sure as hell is.

Type, edit and correct.

And the life continues..


“Hi Daisy,” I hold a small smile as I walk into the cramped doorway, holding a bag of food close, and a newspaper in my other hand. I quickly make my way to the island counter and set my things down and start to boil water on the stove top. It’s Friday night, I can afford to gain a few calories with Kraft cheese right?

Daisy looked up at me from her dog bed and annoyingly greeted me with a few yips I hated. I looked down at her.

“We’re stuck in this hell together babe, you and me,” I held a small smile as I filled her water bowl and food dish. Her food reeks. I should take her out for a walk soon, I thought with a sigh. So much work and no energy to do it with. This is my life I swear. And this year was suppose to change for me.

The year of 2014 was suppose to be a year for losing thirty pounds from the 160 I weigh now. At five seven, I feel a bit overweight and want to change my ways. But Fridays will still be fridays, I thought to myself as the water starts to boil and I dump in the noodles for the maccaroni. My apartment was small and for a rent cost of around seven hundred dollars a month, it was in decent shape. I just could get over the loneliness of the rooms. The walls were built so that no sound of the neighbors were heard. I thought I would like it that way.

Turns out it only makes my thoughts in my head worse. Silly me.

I figured now would be a good time to take Daisy on a walk now that a noodles were in and everything was set for dinner. I walked over to the box where I kept Daisy’s kneel and things, grabbing her harness and leash we set out for our walk of ten minutes while the pot boiled. At least I had something to looking forward to when we came home. Daisy licked my hand gently as we squeezed through the tiny apartment door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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