The Last Thing

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The last thing I ever expected was my parents divorce.

They seemed so happy. They would always smile at each other, and dance around the kitchen. I can't remember a time when music wasn't playing and people weren't singing, when happiness was gone.

At least, not in my childhood.

When mom and dad separated, Lowry and I stayed with mom full time. She had an actual paying job, a school teacher, while dad was the whimsical musician who flaunted around town with his sax and pack of smokes. When Lowry was eighteen she flew off to Australia to live with dad, because by then his musical career had taken off and he'd began living life as a well to do aristocrat. Mom had, well I don't really know. I could never quite pin point an exact time frame for when she lost her cool. I'm not sure if the depression got to her first, or the drugs did, but either way I ended up living most of my teenage life in a crack house. Well multiple crack houses, because there never is just one. I ended up being the primary care taker for mom until I had gathered enough spare change to book myself a flight the hell away from her.

I was seventeen when I met Ashton.

He was some small town music freak with the coolest hair I'd ever seen. He was the closest thing to a friend I'd ever known. He was always smiling and gave the shittiest advice, but it worked because he could pretty much laugh you through any situation. When my sister met Ash, I knew it was only a matter of time before they got together. He was all she ever talked about, and vice versa. I was never really upset about them getting together, if anything I felt it was meant to be.

I never expected it to end so soon.

Lowry and Ashton were the most beautiful people I had ever come to know, they were my family. Because even though Daddy got rich and gave me everything I wanted, and Mommy raised me until I was twelve, they neglected me at one point in my life. Neither of them meant to, but they both did.

Family just doesn't do that.


"Alright, Slade. Think you're gonna be okay?"

"Slade, who the fuck names their kid Slade." I murmur to Harry.

True to his words, Lowry and Ashton's son, Slade was dropped off at my house this morning, social worker in tow. Harry came earlier to remind me and stands by my side shushing my rude comments every few minutes. Most of the questions asked he answered, I'm perfectly okay with that, I'm just concerned that the uptight woman will get the wrong idea and think that we're dating.

The small boy nods his head and releases the hand of the lady, taking a step in Harry and I's direction.

"Alright, well if you need anything be sure to call. You have my card, have a nice evening." The lady says, waltzing to her car. She quickly hops in and peels away from the curb before I have time to respond.

"You hungry, buddy?" Harry asks the small child, stooping down to his level.

Slade nods and allows Harry to lift him into his arms, carrying him into my house. I follow closely behind and watch Harry place him on the sofa before digging through my fridge to find something to make for dinner.


"Yeah, what?"

"What are you doing?"

"Cooking..the hell do you think I'm doing." Harry says turning around to face me.

I snort, "Masturbating."

"Ha ha, I bet you think you're hilarious.'

"Yes, actually I do."

Rather than responding to my comment, Harry flips me off and continues to rifle through my refrigerator.


Dinner is done, Slade's tucked into the sofa--a temporary solution until we can pick up more of his things from his old house-- and now Harry and I wash my dishes peacefully, not a single word being uttered.

"Thank you for staying." I say softly.

Harry looks at me gently and smiles, "Of course, I know you and you'd probably have lost it if I weren't here."

I raise an eyebrow but nod my head all the same. "Yeah, I don't do well in...situations." Is all I can think to say.

Harry dries his hands on a dish towel before wrapping his arms around me. He lets out a sigh. "I know, I know. You gotta have a little faith in yourself though, Stell. This kid's gonna be looking up to you from now on."

"I know." I say burying my head into his chest and my arms squeezing the life from his torso.

"I should be going though, I've got work in the morning." Harry says, releasing me at last.

"Oh. Okay.. see you I guess."

Harry lets out a chuckle, "Calm down Stell, I'll be back. I'm not gonna leave you on your own."

I give him the closest thing to a smile that I can muster.

If only he knew.

Lowry said those exact words to me before she and Ashton were wrecked.

My sister said that exact phrase less than an hour before she died.

And if Harry died, I wouldn't be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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