Chapter 3

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I bought a nice strapless red dress which was half way up my thigh. It cling on to my every curve. It was beautiful. It was a party type of dress so I hand it back to jade. "What are you doing?" Jade say with her eyes wide. "Its a party type of dress and I don't do parties. You know that" I say and shrug. "There is no way you are not buying this dress. Please buy it. You don't have to were" she say. Why would I buy something I am not going to were. When I look back at jade to tell her no she was giving me the puppy dog eyes. I could never say no to her. "Fine" I huffed. "Thank you. thank you. thank you" she say throwing her arms around me. I bought another dress to were go to dinner at Janese my mom friends house. The dress was white. It was mesh on the sleeves and had a cut in the back. Jade bought  a floral dress and a nice yellow dress that met her on her knee. We head out of the store and guess who we saw. Kalayna! She is one of my friend. We have not spoken from the starting of summer. "Hey Kay"  jade say. "Hey guys" as she said that a boy that walked from behind he kissed her on her lips.  I wonder- wait what!? On the lips!? Jade and I are so missing out.  She has a new boyfriend. Am the only one who doesn't have a boyfriend. Even jade has a boyfriend. Jade has Eric while I have nothing. Well I have book. I sigh at the thought. "Hey who have we got her?" the boy say. "They are jade and Ashaneke " she say. "hey" I say the same time as jade. "We should get going its almost five" I say. I did not say it because of the time but because they where making out in front of us. We walk over to jades car and get inside. We drove all the way home in silence.

"Hey hun, you are home" my mom say as we enter the kitchen. "Why aren't you cooking " I ask. "Oh about that we are having pizza" she say shrugging her shoulder. "Oh. Well we'll be up at my room so call us when it comes" before mom could answer we ran up to my room. As I entered my room my phone vibrate in my hands once signalling its a text message.
*Kalayna-  Don't tell Zack.
*Me- why???
*Kalayna-  just don't we haven't broke up yet and I want to be the one to tell him. Just please don't.
*Me- sure OK
I turn my phone off then lay on the bed. "Zack and Kay haven't broken up as yet" I say to jade. "What!? How cold she? I thought she loved him" she say disappointed. "Its not your relationship leave it Alone". I groan. " let's go watch TV" I say standing up. " pizza is here" my mom shout from downstairs. Right timing. We hear running in the hall way. Max and Judy. Jade and I walk downstairs to the kitchen. The sweet smell of pizza.
We sat on the couch watching 'One up on a time'. I so love this movie its really interesting and it always keep me on the edge of my seat. I took another slice of pizza. "I so love Evil Queen" jade say. We all turn around and look at her with with wide eyes. "Really?" I say to her. "So whaatt?" She say drawing out the what. "Nothing. Just a little bit surprise". We watch the rest of the movie in silence. When the movie is finished, jade and I head up to my room. I sat on my bed and texted Tamara. I have not seen any one out of our little group from summer started. Well not everyone, I ment most. I have not seen or texted Tamara, Natalia, Lisa, Jacob, Zack, Eric or Jase. Wow.
*Me- hey

She did not reply for over five minutes so put my phone on my desk. Just as I put down my phone I received back a TeX from her.
*tamara- hey what's up?
*Me- nothing much. How is Alaska?
*Tamara- pretty fun. I can't wait to come back though. I miss you guys.
*Me- that's so sweet.  Any ways see you next week Monday?
*Tamara- yes good night Ashaneke.
*Me- don't call me Ashaneke call me ash. You are always making trouble. Goodnight though".
I turn off my phone and put it back on the desk. I slowly doze off thinking about dad. Why has he not come home yet? I can't believe mom is really ready to forgive home when he comes back.  Why is mom so kind hearted. How can she forgive home after what he said. He even call mom a hoe. What was that suppose to mean. My dad only slept with dad. So why would he call her that? Why did a look of guilt wash over mom face when dad called her a side hoe? I sigh and and instantly fell asleep.
Well do any one have any answers to her thoughts. Why did her mom look as if she felt guilty when her husband called her a 'side hoe'. Why is her dad not home yet? And thirdly why was her mother so quick to forgive him? I would love to know what you think. Guys I would also love to know who is your favorite character so far. Mine is #ashneke. What's yours?

Please comment what you think and don't forget to vote. Just tap the star at the bottom left of your screen. Ily :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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