My OC #1

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Name: Nobu Hishoka
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Clan: Hishoka
Rank: Jounin

FormName: Nobu HishokaAge: 17Gender: MaleSexuality: StraightClan: HishokaRank: JouninLooks:

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Personality: Dark, scary, trusting, can be rude, smart, tactical and resourceful.
Chakra Nature: Wind and Fire
Weapons: Kunai
Special Item: A broken kunai from the last Great Ninja War he found as a child. He wears the small throwing knife around his neck.
Kekkai Genkai: Jikantai (means Time Zone)
Other: Was a team leader before he decided he was done with teaching new shinobi. Also blind in one eye.
Made Up Kekkai Genkai
Name: Jikantai
Type: Optical
Chakra Nature: Unknown
Short Explanation: Jikantai is a optical Kekkai Genkai that stops, slows and fast forwards time in short bursts (kind of like a Genjutsu). Cannot be used if he can't focus well.

 Cannot be used if he can't focus well

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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