XII - a little surprise

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ㅡ D.O's pov ㅡ
I was throwing short glances at her face, mostly at her lips, while we prepared the food

She was chopping some onion and pepper. She seemed zoned out, lost in her thoughts, so I went behind her back and wrapped my hands around her waist till I reached her hands

"Cut them a little faster, please" I said resting my head on her shoulder. She tried to move away

"no... let's stay like this for a little while... just keep chopping" I told her

"uhmmm... ok" she said

I know I maybe broke the 'as a bestfriend' promise I made earlier... no, 'broke' is a big word... I just hugged her

We finished preparing all the food

She took out her phone to call AhMi and invite her and the other boys inside, as they're playing football outside, but I took her phone from her hands

"wait... let them stay outside a little longer" I smiled but she tried to get back her phone from me

"Kyungsoo-yah, wae?" she asked annoyed 

"Let'sㅡ let's just spend some more time together, hm?" I confessed

How stupid of me to ask her this... but this is what I really want, what my heart really wants

"D.O, the food will cool down" she  said trying to avoid eye contact. I became sad and pouted a little

She noticed and slowly kissed the corner of my lips "Don't be sad my squishy boy, arra? You know that I really care about you, right?" she continued

Then I thought she wanted to kiss me because she brought her face closer and closer

Suddenly she snatched her phone from my hand and called AhMi

"Argh, what was I thinking about?!" I whispered to myself

ㅡ AhMi's pov ㅡ
"ah, SaeJu! Why you called?" I answered the call "Hm? Food is ready?... ok let me tell the boys, we'll arrive in a few minutes" I hanged up 

"everyone it's time to eat, let's go!" I screamed so everyone could hear me

"wohoo~" "Finally! I'm starving" "Great!" Lay, Sehun and Kai exclaimed. I chuckled at their whines

We got inside and went to the kitchen. I sat between Chen and Lay when we ate. Kai sat in front of me. He was taking short glances at me and when I caught him, he quickly turned his sight back on the food. how cute he was

I noticed that SaeJu was pretty quiet... what is she thinking about? something might be wrong maybe? I have to talk with her, from friend to friend

"Woah, so delicious! Guys, keep eating, ok? I'll go outside for a little walk with SaeJu-ah, right?" I said winking at her

"Ok but, isn't too dark outside? Don't you need someone to protect you two?" Suho asked as he tried to get up

"Yes, SaeJu do you want me to come with you?" Baekhyun said looking only at SaeJu "...ah, I mean both of you?" he continued, looking at both of us this time. SaeJu shook her head in disapproval

"No... we won't go too far. Take care that everyone will eat good instead, ok Suho?" SaeJu gave a weak smile to assure the leader

"Good then" Suho replied, clapping his hands once

"oh, AhMi-ah!" Kai slightly shouted
"Hm, yes?" I asked

"It might be cold outside at this hour, so just take my jacket..." he paused a little as everyone was staring at him "...because your jacket is upstairs. Pretty far, right?" Kai laughed awkwardly as he put his black leather jacket on my shoulders. My heart? My heart was racing like crazy!!!

I really really wanted to hug him but too many eyes were on us, so I friendly hit his shoulder and winked at him "Thank you!" it was the only thing I could say

Before going outside, she took a bottle of whiskey from the living room with her... something's surely wrong... 

We walked a little away from the cabin, in the woods. We stopped at a narrow river near the cabin and sat down on a rock

"Soooo, Kai huh?" she asked me teasingly

"HAHAHA... very funny Kim SaeJu" I replied then I asked her "Sooo, Chanyeol huh?"

"Ah, yes... heㅡ he's cheating on me" she smiled with tears in her eyes

"Wait, what!?... SaeJu-ah, please don't cry. If he's cheating, do you think he deserves those sincere tears?" I said patting her back

"You brought a whiskey bottle, right? Let'sㅡ let's just drink together, huh? Let's forget our problems for now and drink, ok?" I comforted her. I don't like to see my bestfriend crying... I have to make her stop somehow

"Gomawoyo AhMi-ah...." she faked a smile then took a long sip of whiskey

"Do you feel a little bit better now?" I asked SaeJu

"No... I just need some time to handle the hard time I have now" she took another sip from the bottle

I feel so bad for her... I wish I could understand her heart right now

"weㅡ we can leave tomorrow if you want...we'll wake up early in the morning and call a taxi so the boys won't see us" I suggested with hesitation because I didn't really want to leave... I felt great until now, but if she is feeling bad, I guess I'll have to

"Yes you're right... like that, they won't hold us back. My things are already packed up, so yeah..." she answered

"...yish, so sad... give some whiskey... I don't want you to be the only drunk person here" I told her, looking up at the sky

ㅡ Chanyeol's pov ㅡ
It's late, night already. I finally arrived at the cabin with JyeHee. She was the person who helped me prepare a little surprise for SaeJu. We're making a year since we're a couple... today, it's our 1st anniversary

JyeHee is the only person with impressive skills in design and organizing events that I know

That's why I was constantly texting and talking with her on the phone. I only wanted everything to be perfectly planned for SaeJu, I wanted to make her never forget our 1st anniversary, but she thought that I was cheating on her...

I really hope she'll see the truth when I'll reveal the surprise I have carefully planned for her

We entered the cabin, but to my horror....

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