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"Oh my god! That's amazing!" Brian laughed as I told them what happened.

"No it's not." I argue.

"Come on that's hilarious!" Tyler says as he smiles at the camera.

"I know it is. Come on guys that family is crazy."

"Well yeah, but your story is like great!"

"(Y/n) I want you to write a book. This could like be a breakthrough for you! You could give awareness on online profiles!" Craig spoke up.

I looked at his smiling face before nodding.

"It can work. I honestly don't want people to go through what I went through." I say.

"This could be the book on obsessive people on the internet. Also for the true identity of the person on the other side of the messages you send." Brock says.

"Guys, I'm going to do it. I'm going to help people. When I publish the book I want you guys to be there at the book release."

"Oh we will. I'm going to give you my number because I know a few book publishers." Craig said sending me a number.

"Why did you do that when we are skyping on my profile?"

"Oh yeah!"

"Idiot." Tyler laughs.

I pull up a new tab on my computer. My fingers hovered over the keys, debating on what to title the book.

I looked at Ryan who was behind the camera and smiled. He waved at me and blew a kiss. I shook my head and turned back to my computer.

"Let me guess, ohm?" Nogla asked.

"Nope!" Ohm answered.

"Darn, I wanted to say hi to him."

"I'll tell him when he gets here."

"Okay, thanks."

Tyler and I bursted out laughing. Nogla actually thinks that's not Nogla. Nogla just stared at the screen as Tyler an I laughed.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

That made us laugh even harder.

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