Chapter 18

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*Katrina's POV*

"Oh thank god you guys are ok! We were worried!" Pierre says tackling me in a bear hug. The other 2 girls join shortly after. The guys tackle Harry in a hug as well.

We all went inside and Harry explained want happened at the mall and what we talked about in the woods. The boys agreed that we would keep a low profile and stay inside as much as possible.

By the time we were done discussing what we would do, it was almost midnight and everyone was pretty tired. We didn't want to risk the other girls possibly getting caught, so we're having them stay over until we can think of a plan.

I hop in the shower while Harry changes for bed. After I freshen up and change into pajama shorts and one of Harry's shirts that fall mid-thigh. I pull my hair into a messy bun and exit the bathroom.

When I enter our bedroom, Harry lays on his back, facing the ceiling. He looks at the ceiling in deep thought. I slide in next to him and that's when he looks over at me.

He smiles and wraps arm around my waist and pulls me close to him, our legs naturally tangling together. I rest my head on his bare chest as he rubs my arm in a comforting manor.

"I love you. And I will do everything to protect you. No matter what." He says. I look up at him and smile.

"I would do the same for you. I would try and protect you too." I said.

"Are you kidding? You're so small. How would you protect me? Muse your kitty claws?" He teases.

"Hey! I can fight. Remember, I beat Liam at an arm wrestling contest and he lost like a little girl." I said proudly.

"I HEARD THAT!!!!" Liam shouts from the other room. Harry and I burst into loud fits of laughter. I can hear Danielle laugh from Liam's room too.

After about 5 minutes of laughing, Harry and I settle down and start falling asleep.

****Katrina's Dream****

I'm locked in a dark room in god knows where. I hear Harry's groans of pain through the long hallways. It kills me to hear him in pain.

My door suddenly opens and I see an outline of a figure standing in the doorway.

"Ah, there she is. Precious little Katrina." A sickening voice rings through the room.

"W-Who are you? Why are you hurting Harry?" I ask. I sit in the corner, feeling smaller than ever.

"He exposed our kind to humans. He either has to be punished, or be eliminated." The mystery person says crouching down to my level. He looks me right in the eyes.

His eyes are a haunting bright blood red. He has an evil smirk and a scar over his left eye. He chuckles evilly and rises to his full height.

He continues to laugh as he slams the iron door shut.

I jolt awake with a thin layer of sweat on my forehead and my heart beating fast.

(Ok, yes I'm still a vampire, but our little group still have heartbeats and blood in our veins.)

I start panting heavily, trying to catch my breath. Harry quickly sits up beside me.

"Kat? Kat, what's wrong?" He asks frantically.

"Nothing. It was just a bad dream." I say standing up. I head downstairs to the kitchen and grab a cup and full it with cold water.

The cool liquid makes its way down my throat and to my stomach. I hear footsteps on the stairs but still ignore them.

Who was that man in my dream?

What were they doing to Harry?

Could this mean something?

My thoughts were running wild as Harry wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"What was your dream about?" He asks, resting his chin on my shoulder.

I explained the dream to him. I described the man I saw and he tensed up. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"You said he had a scar across his left eye? And had bright blood red eyes?" He asked letting go of me.

"Yeah. Why? You're starting to scare me." I said wrapping my arms around myself.

"That was Dante. The main Lord of the Council."

((Holy moly!!!! I'm so tired. But this book will have 2 more chapters and then there will be the sequel.

Let me know what you guys think.


-Lauren <3 ;P ))

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