Chapter One: A New House

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When you buy a new house, you feel a sense of satisfaction. Like pulling a sliver from your finger. A feeling of accomplishment in your life. That’s how I felt this week, like I pulled out a sliver. I bought a new house. It isn’t new, it’s really an old. A beautiful old victorian house, complete with tower and the wonderful old feel.

My older brother Ethan didn’t want me to buy it, he said it wasn’t right for me. But I did any way. I love my brother, but sometimes he can be over protective. But it can’t be helped now, today I am moving in.

I stood out side of my house, so grand it looked. Standing so tall and proud. I felt proud to own it. It wasn’t cheap, but I saved. I have a good job that pays well. For a twenty year old I feel I did pretty well. I went and sat on my front step to wait for the movers. The old wood creaked as I leaned back. The whole house needed a new coat of paint, I would do that soon. I see a little bug crawl across the weathered wood. A bird chirps in a nearby tree. Everything is calm, but inside I feel restless. But who wouldn't be? A new house would make anyone jittery. I shiver and stand up to go inside.

It was practically empty, but still breath taking. The walls were painted pleasant teal-blue, the floor a dark wood. I climbed the stairs to the second floor. I had picked out the most pleasant room to be my bedroom. It was perfectly situated, looking over my back yard.

Behind me I hear the stairs creek. The hairs on my neck stand up and a chill runs through me. I spin around with eyes wide.
“Hey.” Greets a familiar voice. Ethan steps in. I smile. The look on his face shows he came unwillingly.
“Why are you here?” I ask. I know he still doesn’t aprove of my choice.
“I came to help.”
“Mm-mm.” I know that isn’t why. “Really, why? I thought you didn’t aprove.” He smiles.
“Yeah, well. That doesn’t stop me from taking care of you.” I laugh and hug him. I hear the movers knocking on the door down stairs.

I look up at Ethan, his mouth twitches as he tries to put on a smile. He tries to show no pain, no struggle, but it always shows through. When our parents were still alive he could have cared less he had a little sister. But when they died five years ago, he has watched over me like my father did. Our father did.

I pulled on his hand to follow me down.
"Come on. I would like your opinion on how I should arrange the living room." He smiles and follows after me.

We went down to meet the movers.
"Where do you want the table?" One asked.
"Over here." I pointed. While the movers worked Ethan and I watched. He stood with his hands on his hips watching every move the they made.

Once in a while he would direct them differently then what I had said. I knew he only wanted to help, but this was my house. It got very annoying when they got to my bed.
"Which room is this going in?" The mover asked.
"This one." I gestured to the room I had picked. Ethan's eyes got big and he hurried to stop the movers.
"No! No, they won't go in this room." he said.
"What?" I demanded.
"Rita, you can't sleep in this room! I mean, look at the windows! Anyone can look in!"
"Are you kidding me?" I huffed. "No one could see in if they tried." I turned to the mover. "Bring it in here." I looked at Ethan. His face was strained as he looked from the mover to me.
"Rita, please." He begged. I shook my head.
"Not this time, I am old enough to make my own decisions." Ethan looks at me, then turns and storms down the stairs. My eyes well up and I run after him.

I run out of the house in time to see him getting into his car.
"Ethan!" I call. He stops and looks at me. "Don't go, I'm sorry. I just would like to make a decision on my own for once."
"You have made decisions!" He cried.
"Not without your input or control!" We both stand in silence staring at each other. He shakes his head agitatedly and gets in the car. I stand red-faced while he backs out. I watch him drive away, then go back inside.

Hope you liked it. Point out anything I can make better, please.

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