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Kimberly's P.O.V.........

  I climbed the steps with Ryan on my heels. I knew that she was out there somewhere. I could find her. I ran to my room and Ryan left to his. As I lifted the window up mom opened the door. I hate it when she does that.

  "What are you doing?" she asked.

  "Getting fresh air," I said.

  "Your 8, you don't run away at that age," she said.

  "Mom!" I exclaimed.

  "Okay, all right!" she said and left.

I needed to think this through. So, Anna and Ella left at night, and that is when they dissapeared. Looks like I was going on a night hunt. I grabbed my shoulder bag and packed a flashlight, sandwich, extra clothes, water, pepper spray, and a knife.


I slipped out the window and closed it tight. The pillows in my bed shook as it closed. I slipped my feet off of the rooftop and took a deep breath. The house swayed as I jumped off and landed on my feet. The leaves rustled. In the distance a Coyote howled. I looked up, tonight was a lunar eclipse. The lining of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. I coughed as I started into the woods. The moon was red, because of the sun, so there wasn't that much light. They called it a "Blood Moon." As soon as I got deeper into the woods I saw a glint of light. I picked it up, it was a flashlight. Not any flashlight, Ella's flashlight. It had been on a while, the batteries didn't work. I put it in my bag and continued. That is where I saw it. It was 3 marks carved into a tree, and they were carved by blood. I stepped back. Maybe I should have taken Ryan with me.

  "Well, well, feeding time," said a voice and I turned around. There was a boy with brown curls standing there. I backed away, but he grabbed my arm and held me to his body as he put a hand over my mouth.

  "Are you related to Emma?" he asked. Emma? Does he mean Ella?

  "Do you mean Ella," I said speaking through his fingers.

  "Looks like Ella lied to us and so did what is her name?" he asked.

  "Anna?" I asked.

  "Oh yes, Allison and Emma, are Anna and Ella," he laughed. Then he started running quickly somewhere. It was so fast that soon we were in front of a huge house hidden by tall pine trees.

  "Please, just let me go!" I said.

  "Nah, Your a keeper!" he said and opened the door.

He led me inside and into a hallway. There were cries coming from behind a door that said Liam. What was going on? The boy led me to a corner and removed the carpeting. There was a small plank. The hinges creaked as he opened it and carried me down the steps. I tried to grab the railing but then he would hurt me or grab my throat. When the stairs ended we came to a hallway lined with small photographs of boy, girls, men, and women.

   "Pictures help," said the boy. I looked at one picture that was smeared with blood. But I was mostly distracted by the reading at the bottom.

            Death Date:


            Blood Type:

            Killed By:

            Captured by:

Sorry for a short chapt. Message me if you have anything to say. Thank you for reading this book, hope you like it so far!

                                         P.S. I go by Taylor Stone because apparently my name was already taken, my real name is



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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