Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

The wildflowers were fragrant in the air and the sun was warm on her face as Leah lay on her back beside the water and looked up at the clouds. She closed her eyes and then smiled when the sun was suddenly blocked from shining on her skin.

"You should not let the sun shine on you for too long. You will soon be as dark as me." Chase warned and Leah opened her eyes to look up at him. He stood tall and proud over her. What little weight he had lost he had regained in the week that she had spent here with him. His body was lean and toned and just the sight of that bronze skin pulled taut over those warrior muscles had Leah's body heating instantly.

"We could really be the chief and his squaw then couldn't we?" she asked and Chase smiled before moving and sitting down cross legged beside her. Leah sat up and scooted closer to him as he wrapped his arm around her.

"Chase, we haven't really talked about what happened with my family and Benja...."

"It doesn't matter." Chase stated, cutting her off mid-sentence.

"It does matter." she countered and he shook his head and removed his arm from her. His face was hard and his eyes angry as he stared down into the water.

"You are here now and that is what matters. You are mine now. I should not have allowed you to leave me then and I will not allow it again."

"Allow me?" Leah asked her temper flaring. "Are we back to me being your possession?"

"Yes." Chase replied simply. He reached for his saddlebags and drug them closer before beginning to rummage through them.

"Is that right?"

"Yes." Chase stated again, frowning as if he was worried about her ability to hear and then he fished out his rolled cigarettes and matches.

"Chase Caldwell, I love you but sometimes you are an ass."

"Most of the time." Chase agreed as he struck his match against his boot and the flame flared to life. Leah rolled her eyes at his apparent smugness.

"So I belong to you and you control my every move?" Leah demanded with annoyance and Chase nodded. Leah was certain she saw his eyes sparkle with mischief but then she could have been imagining things because he seemed pretty serious.

"And what do I get in return for my servitude?"

"My undying devotion and protection." Leah was certain that this time she could see him fighting a smile.

"So you also belong to me and will do anything that I say?"

"I'd rather not answer that." Chase replied before taking a slow draw off his cigarette.

"And why is that?" Leah asked as she picked a white fluffy dandelion and blew the white buds into the air.

"You may take advantage." Chase replied and Leah laughed loudly.

"You are so full of it." she gasped as she tossed the dandelion stem aside. Chase blew smoke from both his nose and mouth and smiled.

"Full of what exactly?"

"The material that comes from the south end of a north bound stallion."

"And that ladylike sensibility is what I love the most about you."
Chase replied with a wink. Leah moved back into his arms and he kissed her temple.

"There is one thing I would like from you." she stated quietly and Chase smiled against her skin.

"What is that?"

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