Meeting the rest?

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------Author's Note------

Well I know I have not updated in along time but I will try to update this book! :) -Jez

Chapter 3: Meeting the rest?


--Five minutes of hanging my mouth surprised--

Sophie started to laugh.

"Wait so you were kidding right?" I asked hopefully.I know it sounds selfish but I'm not use to being around boys because of my past.

Sophie grinned and answered," Bellica I was not kidding...I know your not use to boys but it's always good to start trying something different."

Just before I could argue with her, the intercom started to go on.

"May I have all passengers put their seat belts? We will be arriving in Los Angeles, California in 15 more minutes. Thank You."The captain said strongly.

After the announcement, I started to speak to Sophie again.

"I don't know if I can do that though Sophie!" I stammered quietly.

Sophie looked me in the eye and said," Yes you can Bellica. I know you can. Just please try though." and with a faint smile she took her iPhone out and checked her texts. I guess me and her talking got carried away and we like ignore our surroundings.(A/N I don't know if they change the rules if you can call someone when the airplane is in the sky or not)


I felt a slight shove on my shoulder trying to wake me up. I opened my eyes to a smiling Sophie above my face.

To close in my bubble.

I must've taken a small nap after we both talked.

"Sophie, how long was I asleep?" I tiredly asked.

"13 minutes darling."


In about a minute, the captain was on the intercom," Passengers this is your captain speaking, you may take your seat belts off and walk off this plane.It is 10:30 PM at a temperature of 79 degrees. Thank you for choosing this airline."

After 5 minutes of waiting and struggling we finally went through the terminal and into the Californian airport.

I was so amazed at the airport that I only heard "-our driver." from Sophie's mouth.

"I'm so sorry Sophie, Can you repeat that please?" I sheepishly asked.

Sophie softly laughed and said," Haha Bellica, let's get our luggage and find our driver." With that we went to get our luggages and walked out the doors of the airport.

We walked around people until we found a man around his mid 40s with a sign that says "Sophien Nickels" by a stylish car.

"Hello Daniel, this is Bellica Monroe, Bellica this is Daniel Evans, our family's driver." Sophie introduced happily.

"Hello there Ms.Bellica, it is nice to see you." Daniel greeted with an outreached hand.

I shook his hand and replied," It's nice to meet you and you don't have to say Ms. In front of my name sir?"

The driver chuckled and said,"Okay Ms.Bel-I mean Bellica and you can call me Daniel."

While Daniel and I were greeting each other, Sophie took the time to take our luggage in the trunk of the expensive looking car.

"Okay guys let's get on home!" Sophie hollered from the window in the back seats.

Once we were moving, I asked Sophie about the boys.

She answered immediately," Oh! I forgot to give you a description on the plane oh well I can tell you now. Okay before I tell you about my boys, I will first tell you about my husband haha I almost forgot about him! My husbands name is Drake Nickel and is 43 years old, a year older than me. He is the owner of many stores and restaurants. I think that's all you need to know about my husband. Now back to my sons.

My youngest son's name is Trev Adams Nickel and is 13 years old. He is in his first year of middle school and plays basketball,footb-"

"So his a popular kid?"

"Yes Bellica, Now as I was saying football, and tennis. And uh uh keep your questions to yourself until the end. Daniel stop chuc-"

Sophie didn't have time to complete her sentence because she was interrupted by me screaming at a car coming our way. Sophie saw the car too but she was shocked. I shook Daniel a little to get him out if his shock but it was to late. The last thing I saw was a flash of light and the sound of brakes, after that the world went black.

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