Chapter 1: Summoned

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Author's Note and Disclaimer at bottom.

As a Prince of Hell, Meliodas prided himself on caring about absolutely nothing. He didn't give a rat's ass about anything, besides being the strongest Demon to ever walk both the Underworld and Britannia, the world of the Humans, Giants, and Fairies. Of course, he also cared about becoming King one day. Trust and love were weaknesses not to be tolerated.

That's why, when Meliodas was handed his younger brother, he absolutely didn't care. The younger prince, named Zeldris, was just an hour old. He had tuffs of black hair and green eyes just like Meliodas's own, when he didn't have his Demon power activated. But there was something different about Zeldris's eyes. His were filled with amazement and childish laughter. Those kind of emotions had long since been extinguished in the elder prince.

"Lord Meliodas," one of their Father's attendants said. He looked up at him with cold, dead eyes. "What?" He asked emotionlessly. The attendant gulped, terrified of the Demon King's Heir. "His Majesty wishes to speak with you." Meliodas stared coldly at him, then handed the child to the midwife and left. Father tended to get pissy when Meliodas made him wait, which was why he made sure he was late to every major event. But, with the birth of another son, it probably wouldn't be a good idea at the moment.

Meliodas strode through the hallways towards the throne room, his waistcoat flaring out with his movements, giving him a regal figure. Even without the small crown nestled under his bangs, it would be impossible to mistake him for anyone but Prince Meliodas of the Demon Clan. The maids, servants, and nobility scrambled to get out of his way, as he approached the massive metal doors that led to the King's throne room. As he did, he was stopped by a guard. "Excuse me, Lord Prince, but His Majesty has forbidden any interruptions." He said foolishly. Everyone stopped. The guard was new, having just been inducted into the High Guards a week ago and was on a month-long trial period. But it seemed like he wouldn't live to see himself become a true High Guard for the Royal City.

Meliodas lifted a golden eyebrow. "Hmm, is that so?" The older guards flinched and motioned desperately to the novice to keep his mouth shut, but he unfortunately didn't listen. "Yes, my lor-ARGGGH!!" The guard choked, blood pouring out of his mouth. Meliodas grinned, somehow managing to project sunshine, while his eyes remained dark as a moonless night. He threw something in the air and caught it in his bloodied, gloved hand. The guard's eyes widened as his hands went to his lips. "Are you looking for this?" Meliodas asked, with false civility. He held up what he had thrown and the guard's face turned pale as a ghost as he saw his tongue in the Prince's hand. Several maids, mostly new ones not used to the Royal Family's brutal ways, fainted. Some of older courtiers swallowed compulsively, touching their lips.

The guard turned even paler and finally passed out, collapsing at Meliodas's feet. Meliodas looked down at the young guard, a Lesser Demon who didn't have a human form, and sighed. "Why is it so hard to find good guards that don't pass out at such insignificant things?" He picked the unconscious guard up with his free hand and spun around a couple times. Then, he flung him at the throne room doors, which were about 10 times Meliodas's height and made out of solid, heavy metal. The other guards dove out of the way as he hit it with the force of a battering ram, flinging the doors open, his body continuing on to fly across the throne room. He skidded to a halt right in front of the King's throne, knocking over one of the men sitting in front of him.

The man fell sideways, then quickly regained his balance, turned, and hissed at the guard. Meliodas took notice of the large fangs he had. Hmm, Vampire, then? He thought, only mildly interested, Must be time for the annual check in. But he put it out of his mind and stalked towards his father. He kept his eyes firmly ahead, not deflecting his gaze as it met his sir's. He knew he was showing massive disrespect to his King, but....well, Meliodas liked to live on the dangerous side. He stopped in front of the throne, ignoring the three hissing Vampires.

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