chapter 2

91 1 2

Royalty POV

Lil b***h you can't f**k with me if u wanted to.
these expensive these are red bottoms these are bloody shoes.

My phone went off I answered it.


Momma💖: wydn royalty

Me: Cooking

Momma💖:get Andrew to watch the kids once in his life by himself you need a brake.

Me:momma you know I can't do that.

Momma💖:and why not royalty if you worried about the kids bring them to my house nay will  watch them.

Me: okay ma I'mma call u later bye.

Momma:k love you too baby

I hung up and finish my breakfast I heard little footsteps.

"Morning Mummy" I heard Leonidas​ say.

"Leon go wash your hands and morning boo"I said pecking his cheek. We got a step stool in our bathroom so.

"J'aaliyah!"I shouted since I knew she was woke.

A few seconds later she came in the kitchen.

"Yes ma'am?" she asked holding her hands so cute.

"Did you wash your hands" I asked I told her that a few minutes ago before Leon.

"No ma'am"she sighted looking down. I gave her a quick glare putting my hand above my hip.

"Do you wanna do push ups"I asked. She shook her head finna cry.

"Go wash your hands and come back to eat"I said.

"Yes ma'am" she said. Yes I well mannered my kids. Leon came in with karnation in his arms Andrew behind him.

"Baby why you didn't get nation Leon could've dropped her" I Waled out rushing over to them.

"He can hold his sister"Andrew shrugged sitting down. I rolled my eyes Getting nation sitting her down in her high chair. Leon next to me.  j'aaliyah came back sitting next to nation on the  other side of Andrew.

"Morning nation morning y'all" I said and fixed their plates I fixed mines feeding nation.

"Mummy the game is Tuesday" j'aaliyah said today is Saturday.
Andrew​ was just listening.

"How much is it"I asked.

"my teacher said $5" j'aaliyah said.  I nodded​ looking at Leon he was eating slow but he ate half his plate.

"Leon don't make yourself eat if you full"I said Getting slight annoyed cause I say this every single day to him.

"Moo moo"nation jibbers pointing to my food.

"You want some more" I asked she smiled.

"Ouu can I feed nation please Mommy" j'aaliyah pleaded.

"Yea brake it up tho" I said j'aaliyah did as told and Leon watched carefully.

"Good morning guys" Andrew finally spoke. I mentally​ rolled my eyes.

"Morning" we all said.

"Can you watch the kids today I'm going with my mom" I asked.

"Yea I guess"he said not really interested. Maybe the kids will bond with him.

"Can we see Grandma" Leon and j'aaliyah asked.

"Tomorrow we'll sat down there till next month"I said. Andrew smiled he probably cheating but idgaf to be honest.
Here's an update!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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