Prospero - Chapter 11

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Hunter sprinted, taking massive bounds amidst the trees far faster than any human could move. He kept a grip on Switch, dragging him along. 

"Why the hell are we running!? Just fight them!" He shouted, struggling to keep up with him even while he was being dragged. 

Hunter glanced backwards, gritting his teeth. "Unfortunately I am not quite as well practiced as I would need to be to handle that number of enemies, while keeping you alive." He explained loudly, as he heard a faint humming. Switch watched the pupils of his eyes constrict, as he took a large inhale, getting a better grasp on him, and launching off to one side. As he leapt, a soft hissing was heard as he gritted his teeth, as a bright flash of light flew past them, burning a hole through multiple trees. Switch's eyes went wide, grunting at the force from the launch.

"What the fuck is that?! Was that a goddamn laser?!" He shouted, as Hunter continued to move, much faster now as he ran.

"It seems so, which is even more concerning. Something here is not right, and we cannot stay here any longer. Do you have the keys to your car?" He asked through slowed breaths, maintaining his composure. 

Switch simply nodded, and began rapidly clicking the unlock button as fast as he can, hoping to hear the car. 

"Unlock, unlock, unlock, unlock, unlock..." He whimpered, staring wildly at the key fob.

After a short period, a few trees coming far too close to his head, he heard the faint beep in the distance. Hunter dropped down a bit, focusing every ounce of strength into heading to the car. Bursting through the tree line Hunter grabbed the keys from his hands, and threw him over the top of the car. He ripped the door open, and slammed the ignition button, as Switch scrambled into the car his breath raggedy and shallow. Before the door was fully closed, Hunter slammed the car into reverse, letting the tires spin as he cranked the steering wheel. After coming to a stop, Hunter glanced in the rearview mirror and saw something that almost made him lose his breath. Standing in the center of the dirt road was the man in the black suit, with his round black glasses staring directly into the mirror, with two Subjugation units on either side of him. None of them seemed to move as he simply studied the car with Hunter jamming it into to drive, and slamming the gas.


Switch was silent the entire drive, as the other soldiers and machines chose not to give chase. Hunter was unsurprised, as Switch never was one to put himself in the line of fire. He valued his own life far too much to do so, and would often be stricken with fear in most life-or-death scenarios. Switch demanded to be dropped off at a local dealership to sell the car and get his name cleared from it, as Hunter managed to find his own way back into the bunker. 

As he entered, Sapphire greeted him.

"So, how'd it go? Find the Fountain of Youth?" She joked, leaning over the back of her chair. As she asked, she saw the look on her face, and went quiet. His face was stuck in a grimace, his brows furrowed as his single visible eye seemed nearly glazed over. She could tell that what he saw had put him far into his own mind. Too far to be pulled out be her, let alone anyone else.

He pulled open a screen and began rapidly searching, extracting every single memory he had seen, and typing it out on screen. Every minor detail, the species of trees and grass, the cars they drove, the faces and looks of the soldiers. He had committed every ounce of detail to memory, and wanted it all down on paper. Sapphire had been scrolling online when he entered, and left her phone unattended as she quietly read over his shoulder. He typed with an unholy speed, his fervor almost frightening her. She could see his eyes darting all across the screen, making small adjustments to each note: pieces he missed, details he had not included.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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