Frenemies- twin sisters edition

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Amilia's P.O.V
So its Monday today. I was rushing down the stairs to get to school early. I was putting my new black vans sneakers that me and my sis bought at the mall last sunday, when someone knocked. Hmm... That's weird. Its too early for strangers knocking at your door. Well, I might as well open it. "Oh. Hey Amilia. Can I drive you to school?" It was timothy. Seriously?! "Well..." --- "Please Amilia, give me a chance." Ughh. He's giving me those puppy eyes again! Resist him Amilia, resist, res-s-sist. "Fineee." Oh God, stupid Amilia! "Yes! Thanks"-- Relax Tim. Its not like I answered you to be my boyfriend." Ok. Im assuming he's gonna hit on me now or say a cheesy pick-up line. In 3-2-1. Nothing? He just smiles at me. Oh well. That's nice.

Aliyah's P.O.V
"Omfg, sam! Timothy just drove my sister to school today and I think I saw them hug!" I squeal at my bestie, Samantha. "Maybe they're just friends. Ya know. Maybe timothy has friendzoned your sis"--- "No! No sam! When they're together its like timmy really likes her and he becomes like star-struck when she smiles! And Amilia totes hates Timothy!" I say in frustration. Sam tells me some stuff to comfort me but IT DOESN'T WORK!!! I hate my sister for this. You know what? Im going to ask her if she and timmy have a relationship. "Hey Aliyah! Is there something wrong?" Just the person I've been looking for, Amilia. "Hey sis. I just wanted to ask if, DO YOU AND MY TIMMY HAVE A RELATIONSHIP?!" She looked surprised. Ok, i did sound like a psycho and super desperate. But who cares, i am kinda desperate. "Answer me Amilia!" I shout. She looks scared😈🙃

Amilia's P.O.V
"N-no Aliyah. No. Me and your Timmy don't have a relationship" -- "Good. So... Bye, sis😘" O my gosh! Aliyah is boy crazy! My twin is crazy for the bad boy. You know, if I were her, I'd already say yes to Darren. Darren is my twin's long-time suitor and also *my super crush*. Huhhh... I just really dont understand her sometimes. Well, I guess she doesn't believe me because she's giving me a very very creepy stare like she wants to kill me. Is my sister possessed? I don't know😕

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