6》"You look beautiful."

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"Why so happy?" Sam smirked my way was he decided to chill in my room. The grin couldn't leave my face as I pondered about where I would take (Y/N) on a date tonight. . .it had to be absolutely perfect.

          "I asked (Y/N) on a date." I grinned even wider as I remembered the sound of her soft voice confessing that she liked me. And her cheeks turned to pink, she was perfect.

          "About time." Sam muttered before I laughed and threw a pillow at his head.

          "What if I took her to the Planetarium? I remember seeing her always drawing stars and planets all over her notebooks and hands. . .do you think she'll like it?" I sat up to face Sam with a nervous expression. I've never felt this way about anyone before, I've never felt this giddy and nervous at the same time. It was frightening and exciting all at once.

          "I-" He was ready to tease me, but I could tell he stopped himself from making a joke. "She'll love it, she used to write a shit load of stories about the stars in English class, I even snuck her sketchbook away a couple times to see what she was drawing, some pages were filled with constellation doodles all over. It seems like a great idea."

          I began searching up how much it would cost to get in for later on tonight. I know it was lame to not have a plan, but it was a spur of the moment thing and I'm glad I did, because the smile on her face when I left the room would be a face I will never forget.

          "Greenwich Observatory. . .that's not too far from here, maybe about twenty minutes. It's about ten bucks for each of us. . .perfect." I grinned at the thought of tonight. I was excited and couldn't wait for tonight to come any sooner. I rushed out of my room and into my mum's room. She sat there watching television. "Mum, I was going to take (Y/N) to the Greenwich Planetarium if that's alright with you and dad? I was going to take her out for dinner as well." My face was no doubt red as I explained the details to her quietly so that (Y/N) couldn't hear from next door.

          "Don't be out too late, and text before you leave the planetarium. Other than that, have a good time, and be a gentleman." I grinned wider and ran back to my room where I fist pumped the air and silently cheered.

          "You're a dork." Sam rolled his eyes.

          "Shut up, you twat!" I scoffed and chucked another pillow at him. We both laughed and it turned into a bit of a pillow fight. . .more like battle.

. . .


"I heard you have a date tonight." I jumped at the sound of Nikki's voice. I laughed once I realised it was her.

          "Are you sure you're alright with it? Since I'm Paddy's nan and all. . ." I blushed and played with my fingers.

          "Am I- wha-? Of course I'm alright with it! I think it's absolutely wonderful! Go out and have an incredible time, just not too much of a time." I blushed scarlet red. "I'm just messing with you, I know you're not that type of girl. . .I can tell." She winked at me and we shared a small laugh. It was around lunch time and my stomach was feeling queasy from nerves about tonight.

          "I love you, Nikki." I smiled widely. "I really mean that, I love you." I hugged her as we both smiled from ear to ear. "You're literally the best mom I have ever witnessed." I blushed due to my words. "I-I mean, I d-d-don't have anyth-thing against my mom, I've j-just never had the bond with her that you have with your kids." She rubbed my shoulder.

Young Folks》H.HollandWhere stories live. Discover now