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*Raven's P.O.V*

I woke up and got dressed. Me and Little Kelly are gonna hangout today. She's been acting weird. The other day I walked into her room and she was yelling at no one. But we have been getting along alot better, over the past month she has invited me to hangout with her and Carly. But today it's just gonna be me and her. I heard Little Carly scream 'call an ambulance' so I rushed downstairs. I found Little Carly with her hand over her mouth and she was crying. I ran up to the doorway of the bathroom, there I saw Little Kelly slumped over in the corner of the bathroom. I heard Sophie start crying as she ran to Little Kelly shaking her trying to wake her up but she wasn't waking up. Me and Leo ran upstairs so I could grab my phone and call an ambulance. I called an ambulance, and ran back downstairs. Dad was asking the guard if they saw what happened. I ran over to Little Kelly cause the operator asked me if she had a pulse. I told them she did but it's very weak. When the EMT arrived, Little Carly stood up and walked to Leo. They got her on a stretcher and put her in the back of the ambulance. Little Carly and Sophie got in and went with them. While me, Leo, And Dad got in my car and drove to the hospital. When we got to the hospital, Little Carly and Sophie were in the waiting room.

" Have you heard anything yet?" Dad asked.

" No, not yet." Sophie said.

We sat in the waiting room for a few hours. Me and Little Carly were talking about nothing in particular when the doctor came out.

" We ran some tests and she was poisoned. We don't know how long she's got, these next few hours are gonna be crucial. You won't be able to see her now but we do know this. Her kidneys have failed and the only option is surgery." The doctor said.

' Who would do this?' I thought to myself. I looked over at Little Carly, she was crying. I hugged her and told her it was gonna be ok.

" Also per your request we went over her behavior over the past week and she also suffers from, anxiety, and depression. She is also schizophrenic."

"Thanks doctor." Sophie said.

How did all this happen?

Forever and Always (Raven x Little Kelly)Where stories live. Discover now