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Nobody pov

It was in godric hollow lily has gave birth to a baby girl that has special powers  she name her silver storm potter and gave her to james a few minutes after lily gave birth to harry james potter .  They had james friends round but secreatly lily had ask sev and   narcissa to be god farther and godmother of course they said yes to be silver god parents .

Mean while

Voldy pov

I felt pain in my wrist i look at it a smybol of a soulmate  a stormcloud  i think why a stormcloud . I left for godric hollow    to kill potter boy  i heard  the man shout ' lily it him take silver and harry upstairs  '  i said avda kadva at him he dead i went up after mudblood  i said '   step aside i came for the boy and but she wouldn't  move she said '  silver mama love you take care of harry , harry mama love you don't ever forget you always have your older sister silver '  i said avada kavada she dead  .  I see the girl she had the same was pretty her arau was powerful i had my locket of salzar slytherin i took it off  i pick up the girl and put it on her and charm it so only i can take it off  and she can never die .   I made it inviserble for everyone eyes  but mine and hers   i put her back i see her smile at me  i pointed my wand at the boy  and said ' avada kavada but nothing happens but pain i felt weak and use the rest of my strenght  to give her my my powers .

Nobody pov

Hagrid came to collect the twins  they were crying he saw them both with scars harry a lightning bolt on his forehead and his sister had a snake shape one on her forehead.

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