Chapter One - Broken cups and open windows

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"Damn it" I cursed as the cup fell from my hands. That would be the third cup in the past week. And my budget for clumsiness is limited. I bent and scraped the fragments together. I felt a slight sting on my palm and assumed I had cut it but just ignored it. "Crap.. where the hell..." I scurried around looking for paper towels. Once it was cleaned up I looked at my palm, wincing as I see the cut. I wrap it up quickly and notice the blood on my shirt. 

The doorbell rings and my head snapped up from the disaster. I grumbled and shuffled toward the door, muttering about humanity and the lack of faith there is in them. I opened the door

"What?" I snapped

"Oh um... sorry I just... I wanted to say hello... my name is Brooklyn... my brother and I just moved in next door. But if you're... busy... I'll come back later... or not..." 

I laughed lightly at the blonde haired girl in front of me, blabbering about the crazy mean girl "Woah chica, calm yourself. I'm Luci. Sorry for snapping, wanna come in?" 

Okay this was completely against my motto in life but hey I felt sorry for her. She was terrified. I saw myself in her. And the old self really needed someone to invite them in. Someone other than... no. I wasn't even going to think about his name. 

"Oh... really? I mean I could just leave." She seemed uncertain, like she was unsure of my mental stability. She and every other person that's ever talked to me. 

"Either come in or stay out. I'm not gonna beg" This was a bit more like me. Jeez, I invited her in didn't I?

"Oh" she laughed lightly "you're like my brother. Asks once if you're lucky and never asks twice"

I wasn't listening. I just walked back into the apartment, letting her jabber about her brother and his philosophies. Honestly, I was interested. She seemed nice and I felt some need to protect her. I mean, she was me before... before everything. It was, however, getting on my nerves that she couldn't start a sentence without "oh" as though some revelation had hit her pretty little head at breakneck speed. 

I shook my head to clear the thought

"Oh you don't have to if you're like afraid of guys or something. I heard that's an actual thing... what was it called? Oh dear are you uncomfortable about this topic?"

I looked at her as though she had grown a third head before I realised that she had invited me to meet her brother and me shaking my head made her think I disagreed.

I laughed again and cut her off "Okay, no. I'm not afraid of guys.  I was thinking of something else. I'd love to meet your brother."

"Oh lovely, that's brilliant, his name is Keenan" 

She kept blabbering and I kept listening, I swear, I just wasn't replying. I was thinking of the last time I met a boy. My entire mind spun crazily as I tried to list the pros and cons of meeting a new boy... this was an old habit that the new crazy me hasn't quite cut. I couldn't think of anything except that maybe it would be good to stop being afraid of life. And men. And blonde girls with pretty heads. 

"Coffee?" I asked, effectively cutting her and my own ramblings off.

"Oh god no, do you know the effects of caffeine? It's terrible..."

"Shut up" I shove her playfully "you wouldn't get this charming self without coffee"

She looked shocked that I actually had a personality but quickly recovered herself. I grabbed and apple and threw it in the air, catching it just before it hit the floor.

"Let's go then... Oh and I expect coffee at your place then" I was shocked at my own confidence but she seemed pleased that she had gained a new friend. Me, a friend? What an accomplishment... 

The window is open, now we wait for the storm. 

A/N: Hello kiddos :) I had like one or two reads haha so I decided to post again. Plus, I kinda love writing... Alrighty you know the deal please comment and like and follow... also I wanna tell you that I feel like it is my priviledge to post this and a priviledge to receive replies and I never wanna make it seem like you guys need me or something. I have a thing about some authors that think their readers are "priviledged to have them" or some crazy crap. Rant over. Have a lovely day <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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