Fast love

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U just stood they're with a bored expression under ur hood as the guy continued to point the gun to ur head, not willing to pull the trigger

"(Sigh)" u take a step forward-

"Don't move!!!"

"Just give the lady back her purse and we'll pretend that this never happened k?"

"No!" U roll ur eyes at him but smile

"Fine then be prepared to get hurt" u say cracking ur knuckles and bring out ur aura

Yata's POV:

I was skating down the alley until I heard a woman scream with a couple of gunshots and I raced toward the sound. This really got me pumped up, I whipped out my bat and skated faster I knew I wasn't far when I heard the gun shots getting louder

"Get away from her!" I picked up my bat and got ready to swing until I slipped off my board

"What the- oof!" I got and shook my head 'Ow! The fuck-'

"What the hell?!" Blood was everywhere, the side walk was burned and a lady was shielding her child's eyes from the gruesomely scene in front of us

"What the- oh my god..."

"Here miss, ur purse..."

"Thx u!" After she grabbed her purse from the guy and ran for dear life thinking she was next or something. I got up grabbed my skateboard.

"Oi! Who the hell r u?!" 'Is he a murder?! No a murder wouldn't help someone like her and he doesn't look like he's got any weapons on him...strange' The guy had a big hoodie on the passed his waist and some tight jegging 'what the fuck? This guys gay?!' and a phone with earbuds in his back pocket he was about 3 or so inches shorter that me. 'Cool I'm still taller then this killer this should make me look cooler!'

"Huh?" They turned around and I met a pair of (e/c) orbs... 'wow the guy has some nice eyes- wait what the fuck?!?'

"Who r u?" I pointed my bat to him and drew out my aura

"Y do U care?"

"Answer me!"

"Listen I don't care who u r or ur stupid questions right now, I just wanna go home and watch some anime before it gets too dark and stuff and it's-8 and I wanna go home and I still have to go shopping so-"

"I don't give a damn! I wanna know who U r!"

"I'm... Okay... whatever... bye bye ur wasting my time" I grabbed his arm swung him into the the nearest brick wall.

"What the fuck!? I'm not the bad guy around here! I just rescued a woman and her child! Get off!" 'He sounds like a...can't be... right?! A girl couldn't possibly do this...'

"Dude let go!" He shook me off and ran I hopped on my board and chased after him or her... whatever!

"Hey! Get back here!!!" I went faster until his hood was In my reach and I pulled it making him fall back and landing on me

(After the fall)-

He rolled off of me and started coughing up a storm saliva hung from the side of mouth I took this chance and pulled off his hood all the way and to c who he really was!-

"(Cough) 5x what the (gag) is ur prob-(cough) problem?! R u trying to kill me?! I told u to fuck off! I'm not the bad guy idiot!" 'No fucking way...'

I stepped back and realized what I just did and flushed. She was glaring at me and then-

"U fucking dickhead u wanna fight?!"

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