Pink Diamond: Did Yellow Diamond Shatter her?

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Many theories have been going around since "The Trial" episode when Steven went to Home World and had to go on trial for the things that his mom did to Pink Diamond. Unless it was someone else and they had to use someone to cover it up, someone to pin it on. 

Some theories have been going on with this thinking that Yellow Diamond that shattered Pink Diamond. With the things that have been going on throughout the trial with her taking every chance that she has to try to and shatter Steven or Rose. From the beginning saying "We should just shatter her because she looks like that." Ever since Yellow Diamond has been trying to shatter rose made some other people and I think that she has been trying to cover up for something just to get it over with. With her being to quick to shatter rose. Some of this may have been jumping to conclusions. In that episode and a couple before it she was so quick to destroying all the gems that once belonged to Pink Diamond. The question is why? I'm thinking that they were the only key witnesses that actually witnessed the attack. Yes I know what you're thinking that during the trial that they had Eyeball come in and tell the court what Steven/Rose said to her personal. You may want to question this but thinking back on all other episodes that they aren't the smartest people that you're going to meet. Throughout all the other episodes with can't tell the difference between coming to Earth with 5 but counting 6 when needing to starting a baseball team. With getting tricked with the transformation from Amethyst to show the base. Another time was leaving the ship at the barn so saying I wouldn't be surprised that Eyeball saying she seen it but instead she didn't really see it. 

Another thing to back up my theory is that when going throughout all the new technology you then notice that Pink Diamonds diamond isn't with the other diamonds anymore isn't shinning with like the others. With thinking like this it couldn't have been Blue Diamond she's still devastated about the shattering of Pink Diamond with having to coming to Earth on what seems like on a daily with saying things like "I'm sorry" and "I wish I could have done more" another thing that Blue Diamond sets me off is when she says "Yellow Diamond says this will all be over soon... I wonder what you'd think. I mean this is your planet. I still think it is." With saying this does Yellow Diamond want to destroy everything that has to do with Pink Diamond? 

Also in "The Trial" episode she does explain that Rose couldn't have gotten that close without someone being alerted and at the lest someone trying to alert her that the rebel was getting close and might do something. Unless Yellow Diamond shattered Pink Diamond and most of her army as you say. I only say about some of them because Blue Diamond still has all of the Rose Quartz soldiers well of course besides Steven. Then of course of the "Shattering" of Pink Diamond there wasn't any Rose Quartz soldiers the only people that would be present at the time would be Sapphires and her Pearl. Some things just aren't adding up here. 

Then again its just a theory... 

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