Chapter 81 - SUMMER! (P13)

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- Hatsune Miku's Point of View -

" Lily! " ( YOU ALL FORGOT LILY D: )

" Hey guys! " She smiled, " I didn't know you were dating! "

" We aren't dating! " Me and Dell shout in unison....Sheesh,just because two people with the opposite gender go out and eat,it isn't a date! Well,maybe a ' friendly date ' works.

" Hahaha,okay fine.Why are you guys here anyway? "

Uh Oh.Not that question.

I don't know what we should say,it's either I lie or just tell Lily that Dell hates Neru.

I glared at Dell,waiting for a response for what I'm suppose to say. But he just sat there,eating his ice cream trying to avoid any mess.

" Oh,we were just bored so we decided to go out for a while. " I said,lying a bit. Well,I was bored.

" Oh.I see,if you guys are bored you better check out the new arcade out there! It's pretty cool,I better get going now. " Lily said as she waved her hand as a sign of goodbye,which I returned.

I sighed a heavy sigh,I faced Dell and flicked a spoonful of ice cream to him.

" Hey! " He exclaimed as he removed the cold creamy substance on his face," What'ya do that for?! "

" Why didn't you help me on answering Lily?! You know how hard it is to lie! " I hissed at him,and I get a banana-on-my-face in return.

" Hey! You can answer that,don't expect help from me! " He shot back,half laughing.

I flicked the cherry at him,which he returned. Soon,it was just us with our mini food-fight over our ice cream.

And as we were in the middle of throwing the Ice Cream it self ( we ran out of toppings ),some staff must have called the manager,he was fuming mad about us turning the ice cream into some things to throw as if we were in a water balloon fight,and the ice cream were the water balloons. The manager got really mad and he said we should leave in an instant,and never come back again.

Well,that was okay for me.And for Dell it seemed,I mean there were TONS of branches of that ice cream shop,I guess the manager was to dumb to punish us like we needed to pay a lot of money.

After that,for a long moment of silence between us,we ended up looking at each other and laugh like hell.

" That was a moment I liked! " I chuckled,

" Me too! I hope Kaito won't get mad at us for making fun of his beloved Ice Cream! " He laughed.

" I know right! "

We just went around the whole mall,and ended up window shopping till we were bored to death.

" Hey Dell,why don't we check the Arcade Lily was talking about? " I suggested.

He thought about it for a second,and then he said " Yeah! That's a good Idea,Let's go! "


We went straight to the Arcade,it was so HUGE.. I admit it,I've never been to a Arcade since I was like...11,I think? We quickly bought like,300 tokens or points ( omg thats alot D: ),it wasn't too expensive since,thank our luck,they were on a discount.

We quickly checked the whole place,there were 2 floors.It even included a 4D Roller Coaster! We decided to check that out at the last part,we first checked out. There was a the crane game,even with Ice Creams! We tried that,but we couldn't even get a single one.

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