25th Hunger Games

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Necessary anecdotes:

I am Obviously not the writer of The Hunger Games, Catching Fire or Mocking jay.

This is purely a Fan Fiction no copy write infringement is indented. I don't know much about copy write law so I am making this all rights reserved to protect my work. if that is illegal well...I can change some things. I hope you like it.

Also check out: Forever Rue. She is also making a hunger games Fan fiction. I made the Girl tribute from 1 and the boy tribute from 12. so far it's a good story, so I insist you read it.


Also if I have miss spelled anything please let me know. =)

-If you know what I mea...

Chapter 1

A small drops of blood role off my finger as I get in line with the rest of the male tributes. I've gotten so use to reaping day I don't even wince when take my blood. My father, the mayor, takes the stage and begins the reaping day speech. Somehow when he talks time feels like it's stops dead in its tracks, and finally after what feels like hours of listening to him praise the capital he invites our district capital escort to the stage. 

My heart stops as the tall pale man we all know to be Lucius Hearth marches onto the stage in front of us. My father told me this will be just like every other reaping, everyone has the same odds and in the end only two get picked as tribute. I wish he was next to me tell me those lies now.

This year is nothing like the others though, this is the Quarter Quell.  There are no odds, This year they had us choose who is going to be tribute, and with me being the mayor's son I'm sure I've gotten quite a few votes.

"Attention ladies and Gentlemen" Lucius yells over the already dead silent crowd. Only sound that can be heard is the distant sound of waves crashing against the harbor and the humming of Lucius's microphone. " I am proud to  be the one to announce the tributes from district four" he adds proudly, he looks like he's waiting for an applause or something. he frowns as he is once again greeted by complete silence.

I've seen Capital people on TV before, and most of them barely look human with all of the surgeries and  awkward clothing they wear, Yet somehow Lucius takes that to a whole new level of creepy. His bright and yellowish just like his sparkly golden suit that constantly shoots out beams of red and orange light. he also wears a pair of solid gold glasses with crimson red lenses. Lucius makes a brief speech about how happy he is to be representing our district then pulls out two milk white cards from his pocket.

I can't help thinking of Ilius as the anthem plays overhead. Ilius and I have been friends for practically our entire lives. Just last year his older brother Aelius died volunteering for him in the games.  Ilius had always made his hate for the Capital publically known but after the loose of his brother Ilius went overboard.

For the first few weeks after his brother's demise Ilius would even leave his house, told me was making a bomb and was going to show the capital how it felt to lose someone close. he never blew anything up though, I'm pretty sure he didn't even attempt to make a bomb. What ever happened in that house was much worse than a bomb creation, because the Ilius that went into that house came out as something different. The once olive skinned cheery  friend of mine is now as pale as a ghost and emotionless. his once muscular body is now bone skinny and covered in self inflicted scars.

I can see him at the front of boy section, on either side of him are armed peacekeepers. He turns around and makes eye contact with me before his guards turn him around. if there is one word I could use to describe his expression it would... terrified , which is strangely nicer too see than his usual blank and emotionless stare.

Lucius adjusts his golden glasses with Crimson red lenses and loudly reads. "Our female tribute from district four will be,  Demica Krill!"

A flock of sea gulls fly over as Demica slowly makes her way out of the crowd and onto the enormous stage overlooking the ocean. Demica gives the crowd a cold stare as she next to Lucius. this time it's our fault, we can blame the capital, this time we voted her up and I guess we deserve every hateful thing she probably wishing would happen to us now.

I've never really know Demica, her being three years older than me and she already works in our district's fishing industry. I don't see how I would have any time to know her if I tried too.  From what I've heard she's a good spear fisher, that's probably why she got picked.

"Now for our male tribute" Lucius slowly opens up the second white card.

Please not, please not me.  with me being the mayors son the chances of be being put into the arena are about a certain Demica's.

 "Marinus Octavin!"

The one things I've been fearing since I was twelve just happened. My insides feel like there on fire and I want to burst into tears, but I can't cry. If I cry now I'll throw away any chances of joining the careers from one and two. If I at least look tough maybe I can trick the careers into thinking I'm useful, I think. I'm careful not to make eye contact with my father as I walk onto the stage I'm sure if I see him I know I won't be able to contain my emotions. My eyes continue to water but thankfully I hold back my tears as I take the stage.  Lucius stands in between us looking thrilled as his two new toys.

"The two Tributes that you chose"  Lucius says as he thoroughly examines us.

The only reaction from the crowd is once again a blank and depressed stare, until my eyes scan past the crowd of possible tributes and towards the adults farther back. The first couple that sticks out are Demica's parents who look like there already grieving for her.  Thankfully I can't find my family in crowd or I would lose complete control over my emotions.  Demica is doing a much better job than me at hider her sorrow and is even smiling and waving at the cameras. 

Lucius gives The cameras a few more second to present us to Panem before he ushers us off the stage. it's a five minute to get to train station yet Lucius insist we take use his car. Demica stay silent for the short ride while Lucius babbles on about how the districts should vote the tributes in every year.  I can already tell that I'm going to hate this man.

As soon as we arrive at the justice building we separated from each other and Lucius. At least I won't have here him and his annoying capital accent.

"Your family and friend will be here momentarily, you got ten minutes for goodbyes" an peacekeeper says as he pushes into tiny metal room with bared windows.

"ten minutes! I might never see them again!" I yell.

"You should be thanking me, because that five more minutes more than your suppose to get" The peacekeeper says as slams the door behind me.

Seconds after the door is closed it bursts open as my mother run into the room, tears streaming down her face. She doesn't say a word but instead gives me the tightest hug I've ever had. It feels like she's trying to squeeze my insides out.

"I can win this mom" I say softly as I wrap my arms around her a squeeze back. I know this is going to be the last time I see her but I'd rather her think otherwise. She continues to cry until a peacekeeper pulls her away.

"I love you son" my dad says solemnly as two peacekeepers usher him out the door. He must have came in with my mom. Before I can say goodbye the door once again shut's on my face.  

I didn't even get to say goodbye. tears begin to stream down my face as the reality of never see my parents again sets in. "That wasn't Ten minutes" I shout to no one.

I hear a knock at the door, Probably Ilius I think until the door swings open to reveal an Anxious looking Lucius.

"We got a train catch, hurry up" Lucius says.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2012 ⏰

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