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The Moon burns brightly through night's dark blanket.

It takes a moment of wakeful thought to realize that I'm not where I should
be. This is not my bed. These are not my silver handcuffs locked tight against the pulse of my wrists. I inhale, a short gasp, while the heartbeat inside my chest starts to rapidly climb to an unstable arrhythmia.

Haunting light from the full moon streams in, casting the room in creeping, dragging shadows that slither and scrape across the far wall. The scream that tries to erupt fails miserably - my mouth is so parched that no sound can escape with any strength. Trying once again to pull in a full breath of air, I exhale scream after scream until absolutely no more sound leaves my throat. Time stretches itself, elongating to feel as if I've spent ages shackled to this bed post instead of mere hours.

The turn of the door knob stops my breath.

A silhouette comes from the shifting darkness. Pulling at the restraints that bind me to my spot, trepidation lurking, my mind pulses into manic thoughts of hysteria until a face is revealed.


His right hand gripping a cup, fingers stretching around the curve of the crystal. "Are you thirsty?"

That voice still sounds the same, as if it hasn't been two years since last I heard the sin of him.

"Yes," So thick is the word that the sound falls as soon as it's said out loud. He dips a singular finger into the top of the glass. When he pulls it out, I can see the shine of the water on his flesh. He places that finger on my lips, wetting them, coating them with water. A whimper comes from the base of my throat when his skin is no longer in contact with mine.

"Open your mouth." Directing me. He's always the one in control - always the one to set the rules for how our games are played.

I open my mouth for him. "Wider. I know you can open wider than that, or have you forgotten?" The sound of his voice edges into a deepness that makes my thighs rub momentarily together.

Once again, his finger pulls out of the water. This time he holds it over my open mouth, drip by slow drip the liquid lands on my tongue until I swallow what he has just given me.

Not enough to quench my thirst. Just enough to tease.

When he thinks I've had plenty, he puts the glass down and replaces it with something else that makes me take a shuddering breath in, expanding my lungs fully before almost moaning as I exhale.

"You've missed this, haven't you, Ember?" Legion's deep voice fills the room with its intensity as he taps the silver-lined tip of the crop against my ankle.

Leather has been replaced with silver.

Deliberately, he travels the tip methodically higher along a slow trail, the silver tasting my calf in an exquisite heat, only to unmercifully slide it up my inner thigh. He gives a slight tap, signaling me to spread my legs further apart for him.

Agony vs. ecstasy.

A wicked excitement starts to flow making the flesh of my thighs quiver.

"Why did you take me?"

"The question is, why did you allow yourself to be taken, Rogue?" He makes no more sound, this Hunter reaping the rewards of a successful chase.

"How did you do it?" I ask, trying to focus my mind on his answer instead of the way the crop is sliding up and down the length of my thigh, switching sides when he gets to my knee. A gasp slips out - more a moan if he's paying attention to my sound, which he is.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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