Blood on the pavement

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Chapter1: Accidental death

It happened so quickly, he only had a chance to blink. The blaring horn,and the screams of nearby mothers tore him from the glazed feeling warping his mind. It was a horrifying scene that lay before him.There she was. The monster that held him captive for years, laying before him on the street covered in blood, her dark gray eyes starring up at him dimming as the seconds passed by. Ryoba Aishi, his wife (his captor), was dying before him and he could only stare back at her numbly as he stood holding onto their daughter. She lifted her arm at him weakly, he flinched.

"S-Senpai,"was Ryoba Aishi's last words in this world. He shudders . steppingback away from her. Even as she lays dying before him, no doubt inutter pain, she still clings onto her name for him. Senpai.

He couldn't tell you what happens next. He could barely even remember it himself. For one moment there were people screaming around him and the crying of children, and the next he was being pulled towards the ambulance while another paramedic was gently coxing Ayano away from him. That brought him back into reality.


"No!" he cried, pulling his daughter closer to him. He wasn't going to let her go. No! Not to anyone! "No, you can't take her!"

"Sir, please you're in shock," the paramedic said gently, hands before him in peace gesture," we need to make sure neither of you are injured."

"N-No,we're not hurt!" He clings onto Ayano, ignoring her writhing in his arms in discomfort,"it's Ryoba! She got hit! She's-"


"Gone," he said numbly. Ryoba's  gone and he's finally free.

"Sir,please we need to check your daughter for any injuries."

This time he didn't fight back as the paramedic carried Ayano away from him. Her own eyes, a dark gray color similar to her mother's, stared back at him in a blank stare, a faint glint passed her eyes and as quickly as he spotted it it was gone. She didn't cry, she didn't scream, she didn't say anything to what had happen in past hour. She stayed silent as the day she was born, but he still could have sworn he saw the glint of sadness in her eyes.

A she was being reviewed by paramedic, he felt their gently prodding,answering their questions in one worded answers, he could only feel a weight so heavy that it suffocated him finally lift. He stares over the playground where he stood hours ago, playing with Ayano as Ryoba stood watching, no guarding,over them as they played with the shiny red ball that bounced away from them. Ayano immediately went after it, crossing the street not even paying attention to the car that was driving far to fast towards her. But he saw it, and he wonders to himself if Ryoba saw it either,and he chased after her in fear of her being struck. Then it was a blur after that. A forceful push and a deafening sound of what a body would make when struck by a car.

"She's gone," he whispered to himself as he's being strapped onto the stretcher.

"Sir you need to breathe," he couldn't hear the rest of what the paramedic had said as he began to drift away from the overwhelming amount of emotions that drowned him.

"She's gone", he mutters as he slipped into unconsciousness.

He's finally free.

a/n: So Ryoba's gone now. This fic can also be found under my other penname Eclipse130 on . If you don't believe me to be the original author go ahead and PM me on that site to ask me more in regarding about this fic.

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