Chapter one

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« Yah, Yixing wake up. We are going to be late »I heard my mom yell from downstairs I just ignored it and continue sleeping.

« Yahhh I told you to wake the hell up didn't I Yixing !! You know what I'll go alone and you stay here and do whatever you want »I quickly got up and hugged my mom « don't leave me alone mommy » I said while pouting. When he showed no reaction I pulled away « you are not leaving me too right? » I said as my eyes started getting teary.

« No baby, I am not leaving a cute boy alone don't worry now calm down »He said while rubbing my back.

« go prepare yourself and pack the rest of your clothes. Our flight is in the evening. It's our last day here so you can go and say goodbye to your friends if you want. »

« I love you mommy » « I love you too honey now go and don't sleep while showering »

« okkkey i get it »

I quickly took a hot bath and wore some black short and a shirt shirt it's summer ; so who cares I brushed my hair and simply let it be I don't care much about my look anyways.

I quietly went downstairs and into the kitchen so I can scare my mom .

But to my surprise I didn't find her in the kitchen then suddenly I felt hands on my waist and someone blowing air at my neck I screamed like there's no tomorrow and trust me it was quite embarrasing since it was my mom.

« Eomma you scared me » I said pouting.

« You know I hate when someone blows air at my neck it's quite ticklish and it makes me feel uncomfortable». « hehe that's what you get for trying to scare me and it was hella hilarious » he said while laughing .

« Come on I made you pancakes with nutella and fruits your fav now hurry up and eat »

My eyes lit up when I heared him « thank you so much you are the best » I quickly hugged him and started eating.

You see my mom is Do kyungsoo he is a beautiful man with a heart shapped smile , big owl eyes and pale skin but that only makes him more attractive and unique I know you would love him once you see him ( trust me everybody loves eomma soo)

He is slightly short for a man but still good looking and motherly-like. He likes to take care of the others and his dishes are like the best things that'll enter your mouth.

After I finished eating I washed the dishes since mom went to the park near our house. I went back upstairs in order to finish packing my clothes grabbed my phone and keys and went out.

I simply went to my secret hide out it's a tree in the abandoned part of the park

I climbed on the tree til I reached a high and big branch and simply observed the area. It was a beautiful scenery you can see the hole city from here. From the buildings and cars busy people to the noisy and playing kids and beautiful nature ;roses and flowers everywhere birds too it was so relaxing so I just closed my eyes and enjoyed it until I felt something on my nose I opened my eyes and found a white butterfly so I just let it be.

After some time I woke up because of some shooting I looked down to find Mark.

« Yixing it's your last day here in the U.S and you didn't even come to visit me!! What kind of friend are you? » he said .

« Sorry, Mark you know I hate saying goodbye and I am bad at it »

« This is never a goodbye it's just a see you later. We can talk and text each other. Whenever you feel lonely or uncomfortable just call me I don't care if it's 3a.m, just call me »he continued

I made my way to him and just hugged him tightly « You are the best I swear. I will never regret crying because you took the last ice cream available »

Flashback :

« Mommy hurry up, I want ice cream mint and chocolat chips, please. »

« Okey baby we will get it just be patient » once arrieved at the ice cream shop Yixing ran inside « Good evening sir can I have a scoop of mint and chocolat chips ice cream please ? »

« Sorry little boy there's no more for today .Do you want anything else ? » « No thank you »

He ran back to his mom and started crying « there's no more ice cream » he sobbed

« It's okkey Yixing we'll comeback tomorrow to eat it » said soo as he hugged his little sunshine

Suddenly a little boy stopped in front of Yixing and said « Here's my ice cream you can have it » while smiling showing his pearly white teeth « Really ! But it's yours I can't take it.Plus you are a stranger and mommy told me not to talk with strangers » he kindly refused the offer

« I am Mark nice to meet you. Can we be friends ? » « Sure ,I am Yixing » he answered while smiling showing his deep dimples which Mark didn't feal to notice « Woah you have a beautiful smile » »Thank you same goes with you »

« Okey how about we share the ice cream it started melting and I can't finish it by myself » « Sure mommy I am going with my friend to eat come with me »

After eating the ice cream the kids played together while the moms chatted ( Mark's mom is yongjae and jb is his father) « Okey kids time to go » the two boys started whining « but I don't want to go » « I want to stay with Yixing » mark pouted because he knew his mom won't be able to resist his charm « Don't worry boys you will meet tomorrow we promise » Said soo « Pinky promise ? » asked the two kids they said their goodbyes and the two boys went home happy that they'll meet each other and from that moment Mark and Yixing became best of friends ever.

End of flashback~

The boys laughed together after remembering the silly incident and many more moments

Then Yixing started crying « I am going to miss you so much Mark. You will always be my bestest friend. Make sure you visit me during holidays I'll do the same too. I'll buy you a lot of gifts I love you so much » he hugged the taller boys and cried on his shoulder. Mark just chuckeled « Don't worry I'll make sure to follow you. You are never getting rid of me » « Just shut up and hug me dummy » laughed Yixing .


so yeah that's the first chapter hope you'll like it ^^

sorry if there's any mistake English isn't my first language. Take care.

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