7: lift

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Music: come baby- K7

(Paige POV)

We began walking again, and and we walked into a building whilst Floyd had his back turned I ran into a lift Harley followed I rolled my eyes.

The lift dinged I saw Floyd "oh for fuc... Paige!!" Floyd yelled I blew him a kiss I began fixing my hair, "so I take it you knew Floyd before" Harley said I nodded "yeah but he left because I wolf out by accident I hurt his leg, he freaked out and left... I was so angry with myself so I threw myself into work... Government caught me met Floyd and ya know shit starts happening" I said refilling my guns with bullets.

"Sweet, Mr J and me are special" Harley said in a trance I hummed "yeah I'm sure you are" I said suddenly a alien burst through the glass "Harley bat!" I said Harley threw me her bat I hit it over the head and back flipped over it.

Hitting it again it's head breaking, another one jumped through the top of the roof. I hit it again it hit my lip I hissed in pain I hit it twice as hard making it crumble.

"Bad ass... Your lips bleeding" Harley said I gingerly felt my lip the lift dinged and everyone was waiting armed Floyd looked unimpressed I smiled and walked past him swaying my ass Harley followed suit.

"Your bitch is a total bad ass I have gotta get myself a werewolf" boomerang said to Floyd rolled his eyes.

Floyd jogged next to me the group walked ahead he turned me to face him "your lip... You didn't get in a bitch fight with Quinn did you?" Floyd asked "one if I did she would be dead and two no there was aliens in the lift one punched my lip" I said Floyd chuckled he wiped the blood from my lip.

He leant down and sucked on my lip that was bleeding his tongue traced my lip it was a mixture of pleasure and pain."mmmm Floyd we should catch up" I whispered "yeah but they can wait" Floyd said he began kissing my lips passionately I wrapped my legs around his waist "Floyd" I moaned "okay okay" Floyd said he took my hand and we quickly ran up some stairs which led to an office everyone was fighting.

"Fighting again! It must be my birthday!' I said Floyd grabbed my wrist "be careful" Floyd said "Floyd I'm never careful!" I called as I began fighting I hit and punched but something started attacking me my body began shaking.

And phased into a wolf I began savagely ripping the alien apart and another and another and another... You get the picture I was panting heavily I phased back everyone was watching "what!" I said Floyd smiled "nothing it was just kinda hot" Floyd said I blushed.

We began leaving then aliens began shooting I got shot in the leg I howled and ducked I painfully began removing the bullet from my leg "S A you better start doing shit or ain't you about shit!... Paige!" Floyd realised he ignored diablo and he sat next to me diablo looked at us with a pained expression.

He began shooting fire at the aliens, "Paige breath" Floyd soothed I breathed deeply Floyd took the bullet out of my beg he ripped a strip of my crop top and used it as a bandage.

"Are you okay?" Floyd asked I nodded "you just help me up and I'll be great" I said Floyd nodded "you fire pants! You could of start doing your fire shit quicker" I said El diablo looked sad but nodded with my immortality I healed quickly I jumped on Floyd's back he chuckled "I'm great now thank you" I said kissing his cheek as we began walking again we got to another office.

Flag went into the office I stood by the wall length glass window and looked down at the burning city it was soothing in a way, I felt arms wrap around my waist Floyd began kissing my neck I tilted my neck back and rested it against Floyd's chest giving him access to my neck "I'm gonna go see what taking flag so long" Floyd mummered I nodded his arms left my waist and Floyd went into the office I continued to look out the window.

Killer croc stood next to me, "like what you see?" He asked following my gaze to the city down below "yeah it's real nice" I said smiling "what's it like being crocodile?" I asked "okay I guess... You and the wolf?" He asked in his gruff voice "great" I sighed killer croc went and stood next to Captain boomerang as they began talking Floyd came back.

"Paige relax I know you ain't gonna like it but chill" Floyd warned I saw Waller "oh for fucks sake I know you said chill but come on!" I said sighing.

Floyd kissed my neck "good girl deep breaths" Floyd said quietly so only I could hear I nodded and breathed deeply "stressed are we Paige?" Amanda sneered I barked at her Amanda stood her guard down a bit.

I smirked  "now don't get high spirited on me now" Amanda said waving the phone I swallowed thickly, "she still stood down" I smirked as we began walking up to the roof of the office building "yeah she did" Floyd said smiling.

We stood on the roof suddenly a helicopter came flag tried to get contact with the helicopter "it's hijacked" I sighed as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

It started shooting, Floyd grabbed my hand and pulled me next to him "you okay!?" Floyd asked "yeah! You?!' I asked over the loudness of the gun fires Floyd nodded, Quinn sat next to us "clown! What is this shit?!" I asked she looked at her phone it was joker.

"Harley don't!" Floyd said she ignored us she got up and began walking "come ta daddy!" Joker said "that is the most kinky shit ever" I giggled to Floyd as we got up I saw Quinn climbing up a rope.

"Your a hitman right! Shot her down" Amanda said I snarled at her Floyd winked at me he lined up his gun and pulled the trigger...

Harley Quinn went limp but she began swinging from the rope again she climbed up the rope to joker "whoops I missed" Floyd said I smirked he put his arm around my waist as we began leaving and Amanda got in helicopter.

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