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Bianca is a fucking hoe.

Muriel had a friend named Bianca and Bianca had a boyfriend, Barney. Bianca and Muriel hated Barney so they wanted to play a prank on him but it turned into much worse. Muriel told Barney that Bianca was cheating on Barney with Kyle. Kyle was hotter than Barney and Bianca knew it. One stormy night, while Bianca was in the shower, Muriel told Barney that Bianca was cheating. Bianca denied it even though it was true. So Barney cried like a little bitch because he is a pussy ass nigga and cries at everything. So when Bianca got out of the shower Janice and Sally wanted to beat up Bianca and was going to jump Bianca's friend Muriel. Barney kept calling Bianca because Bianca wouldn't answer probably cause she's a guilty ass bitch. It took a lot of procrastinating until Bianca finally told Barney she was cheating. Though when she told Barney she was lying about it because there's more then whats she knows. Meanwhile Barney's family was hitting up Bianca. Barney's sister Bitchface was harassing Bianca, sending her gang signs while Janice was spamming Bianca to the point that she had to change her number (not really). Sally messaged Bianca off of Barney's account saying not so nice things to Bianca. Bianca felt attacked. Barney's dad was also talking shit about Bianca which is wrong like who bullies a child like the fuck is you on nigga. Meanwhile Janice and Sally had plans to jump Muriel by luckily Muriel isn't going to die on Monday. So Muriel's social life is somewhat dead because Muriel helped Barney's bitch ass. Anyways so all of Jacksonville hates Bianca because Bianca cheated not really. So now Barney wants to kill Kyle because Kyle's dick is wayyyyy bigger than Barney's lmao. So Barney's like don't talk to me to Bianca and Bianca didn't but Barney kept on spamming Bianca and now he hates Muriel and Bianca though Muriel is the GOAT🐐.

Moral is the story don't date trash
Don't be a hoe

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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