Baseball and Pool Parties

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"You showed up!" Lucas smiled as he made his was over towards Maya who sat on the bleachers

"Farkles on vacation, and Zay is doing who knows what. And you know that Riley and I are in a sorta argument. Your the last option" Maya giggled as he took a seat next to her

"Eh, I'll take it" Lucas laughed back as he took the water bottle Maya had handed him, and chugged it down

"Your all ready sweaty and the game hasn't even started" Maya fake gagged as she saw beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Coach made us do extra laps, and guess what I found in the locker room!" Lucas said opening his bag revealing another jersery with the name Friar written in white bold letters in the back.

"Now I can root on the good ol'huckleberry" Maya giggled as she held up the jersery looking at it

"Is their a bathroom anywhere?" She asked looking around

"Theirs porter bathrooms on the other side of the field, but the lines are terrible. Your better off changing under the bleachers" Lucas offered as he pointed toward the line across the field near the concession stands

"True I guess, You stand guard" Maya said as Lucas grabbed the jersey and bags for her

"And don't look" She demanded as she took the Friar Jersey from his arms, slipping her other shirt off, and putting the jersey on.

"How do I look" She smiled turning around

He bit his lip, smiling a little bit "Amazing"

"Thanks" Maya blushed as she shoved her other shirt she had back into her book bag she had brought with her sketch pad.

Whistles began to blow, signaling the players had only ten minutes left till they had to return from their break and begin the game.

"Wish me luck?" Lucas asked as he began walking to the field with Maya

"You don't need it, your one of the best on the teams"

"Thanks Maya" Lucas grinned "You still have the bracelet I gave you?"

"Of course" Maya smiled while waving her wrist, showing off the silver bracelet, which had a large blue gem in the middle.

"Merry Christmas Maya" Lucas cheered, handing Maya a small box with a large bow on it

"Is it a pony!" Maya joked around with a smirk

"Even better" Lucas bragged as Maya began to open the box

"Huckleberry" Maya whispered, with tears forming in her eyes "Its beautiful" She said admiring the braclet.

"My favorite feature about you is yours eyes. They show your personality, beautiful." He complimented as he took the bracelet out of her small hands then put in on her wrist.

"Thank you"

"And what about it?" Maya questioned while looking confused

"Let me wear it. For good luck ya know, since you got my jersey"

"I guess" Maya shrugged, while taking the bracelet off "Don't get it sweaty"

The whistle blew again, signaling that it was time for players to head to the dugout, for the game to begin.

"Good luck" Maya said while standing up on her tippy toes, and placing a kiss on his cheek

"Thanks blonde beauty, i'll see you after my game" He said while hugging her goodbye and running off.


"Next up to bat is Lucas Friar" The intercom announced as Lucas stood on the home plate with the bat in his hands

"Go Huckleberry!!" Maya yelled as she waved towards him, as he gave her a small wink with a smile

She may of looked like a crazy girlfriend in the bleachers, but she didn't realize that. All she thought was she was rooting on her best friend

"ITS A HOMERUN!!" The man shouted as Lucas bolted toward the home plate


Once the game had ended, Maya grabbed her belongings and ran over to the dugout were Lucas was getting his bags.

"You scored the winning point!" Maya cheered while wrapping her small arms around him.

"It was the bracelet." Lucas laughed as he took it off and tied it back on the girls wrist

"Your welcome" Maya sang

"So listen. The boys and I are going back to my house to celebrate with food and a pool party, you interested in going?"

"Sure! I sorta walked here, so could we go to my place first so I can get changed, then drive over to your house?"

"Sure, let's start going now so we have time to set up at my house"


"This party is going great! Thanks for the help Maya" Lucas thanked as he took a seat next to Maya near the pool

"No problem"

"How come your not going into the pool" Lucas wondered, noticing that she had been sitting their the entire time

"Too many boys, and I look grouse in bathing suits" Maya sighed

"They won't judge pancakes, and if they do I'll defend you" Lucas promised

"Now let's go swimming!" He sat as he helped Maya get up

She pull off her jean shorts, and the Friar jersey to reveal an aqua blue bikini

"Riley made me buy this" Maya said embarrassed

"Don't be embarrassed. You look great"

They walked into the pool together, and slowly got in

Once the others boys saw Maya in the pool, they let out loud whistles causing Maya to be embarrassed again

"Id hit that" Billy Ross, a player in Lucas's team whispered to his friends

"What the hell Billy" Lucas said turning around to face him

"What's wrong?" Billy smirked

"Leave her alone, she's here to swim. Not to get laid" Lucas rolled his eyes while moving so he was blocking Maya

"Well maybe if she wasn't dressing like a slut, she could've swam in peace" Billy scoffed

"Get the hell out of my house Billy. All of you leave. NOW!" Lucas demanded as he pointed to the exit

With a few scoffs, and eyes roll, the rest of the baseball team left. Leaving just Maya and Lucas in the pool

"Thank you Lucas" Maya smiled while hugging him

"It was no problem, Im sorry he disrespected you. You don't deserve that" Lucas spoke

"I-" Maya began, but got cut off by Lucas crashing his lips onto hers.

"Woah" They whispered together after they finally pulled away

"That was-" Lucas started

"Amazing" Maya finished

"I like you Maya, a lot. Maybe I even love you" Lucas confessed while grabbing Maya's hand

"I love you too Lucas"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Lucas asked nervously

"Always such a huckleberry" Maya laughed before pulling Lucas into another kiss.

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