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4 months later.

"Seok your friend from school is here" Hansoo calls out.

The sound of rushed footsteps trail down the stairs and soon Hoseok appears with a bright grin on his face.

"Hey Jin" Hoseok grins before giving the older boy a hug.

"Hey there Hobi" Jin chuckles before they both make their way upstairs to Hoseok's room.

Seokjin was Hoseok's first friend even though the boy was 3 years older than Hoseok they had a strong bond.

Jin was always comforting towards Hoseok when he needed it.

"So my dear little friend anyone you like?" Jin chuckles as they sit on Hoseok's bed.

"No I don't like anyone hyung, what about you?" Hoseok asks with a raised brow.

"Yeah I do actually. His name is Namjoon." Jin says causing a slight blush to spread across his cheeks.

"You mean Yoongi hyungs friend Joon?" Hoseok grins.

"You know him!? You better not say anything" Jin warns.

Hoseok promises he won't as he continues laughing while Jin calls him a punk.

The day goes by quickly with the two boys hanging out with eachother, Jin had to leave for his work shift so Hoseok hugged him goodbye quickly.

Hoseok sighs with a small pout as he flings his small body on the couch.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asks as he leans over the couch from behind.

"Watching a show, where's Hansoo?" Hoseok mutters.

"Appa had to leave for the night, he'll be back tommorow" Yoongi says.

"Hyung, do you like me? I feel like you don't" Hoseok mumbles.

"Do you want me to be honest?" Yoongi says with a raised brow, Hoseok nods.

"You get on my nerves Hoseok-ah, ever since you came appa only cares about you and I don't know why. You're nothing special, just some stupid boy nobody wanted, he probably felt bad for you and that's why he took you in" Yoongi scoffs.

Yoongi watched Hoseok's eyes start to tear up making him roll his eyes "Seriously you're crying again? You need to toughen up Seok" Yoongi says as he shakes his head before saying how he was going out.

Hoseok loudly cries because Yoongi was right, nobody wanted him, they only wanted his body to use.

His own mother only wanted him so she could use him for her own selfish needs.

Hoseok pulls his knees up to his chest and wraps his arms around himself.

He didn't want Yoongi to hate him.


Hoseok didn't know how he ended up stumbling home drunk at 2:30 in the morning.

How sad a 13 year old goes and gets drunk to feel better, he's barely lived his life and he's already turned to drinking.

His friend from school Tahee invited him to her place for a small get together, she only lived a few house down so he agreed.

He didn't expect there would be so many older people, he found out soon that the party wasn't hers but her older brother's.

Soon a boy sat next to him offering him a drink so of course he took it.

The rest of the night a blur after the still unknown boy kept supplying him with drink after drink.

Next thing he knows it's 2:30 and he's stumbling along the street, giggling at the jumble his mind was.

Is this why his mother would use him to get money? So she could always have this feeling?

As he stumbles onto the porch of his house the door swings open before he can knock with a furious Yoongi glaring at him.

"Where the fuck were you!? Do you know how fucking worried I was? I thought you like ran away or something" Yoongi exclaims as he drags Hoseok inside.

"Hyung, I'm too young for all this partying" Hoseok slurs with a giggle.

"For goodness sake you're 13! Why are you drinking? Who even gave you alcohol?" Yoongi continues to yell.

Hoseok soon feels nauseous and he quickly covers his mouth.

"You are not puking over the floor come on lets get you to the toilet." Yoongi mutters quickly guiding Hoseok to the bathroom.

Hoseok immediately falls onto his knees in front of the toilet bowl and pukes up all the food he had eaten from that day.

"Jesus Seok, what's wrong with you?" Yoongi scolds as he rubs the young boys back.

"You're right nobody wants me, they only use me for my body" Hoseok sobs only to be puke again.

"What do you mean they used you for your body?" Yoongi frowns starting to feel guilty about what he had said earlier not knowing it would effect the boy so much.

"Too many men hyung, I hated it" Hoseok mutters.

"Come on let's get you to bed" Yoongi mumbles picking up the light boy and taking him to his room.

"Why am i in your room?" Hoseok slurs  falling into Yoongi's bed.

"Because you're drunk and I need to look after you" Yoongi mutters.

What did Hoseok mean by too many men? Yoongi thought but he didn't want to even know the right answer because he had a feeling he knows what the boy meant.

"Sorry" Hoseok mumbles.

"Just go to sleep Seok" Yoongi whispers as he strokes the boys hair.

Why am I such an asshole?

Yoongi felt like shit for saying those things to the boy earlier without even knowing what he had gone through in his life.

Yoongi doesn't hate him per say, he's just hurt and jealous that his father pays more attention to Hoseok more than him.

Yoongi told himself to stop being a dick and just live with the boy civilly, he will get use to it eventually.

an: hope you enjoyed x

an: hope you enjoyed x

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