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A little girl sat on the carpet in the living room, the tv was on and everyone was sitting on the couch. Except for Lilly. She was only 1 years old. Her short blond hair yet to grow still sat perfectly on her shoulders. She had a blue block in her hand that had A, B, C, and D on the sides. "I'll be right back!" Lilly's sister Anna said running up the spiral staircase. "Hurry! We might start the movie without you!" Her dad said messing around. "I'm going to go make popcorn!" Mother said getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen. "Mom can you put lots of butter on it for me?" Lilly's brother, Marc asked. "Sure!" She said. "Mom!" Anna yelled from her bedroom. "Yes!?" The mother yelled. "What movie are we watching!?" Anna replied. "Come down here and talk Anna!" The Father yelled as Anna came running. "What movie are we watching?" She asked. "Why?" The father asked. "Just wondering she said as she flopped onto the couch. "Something that includes cow boys..." Marc said while taking the disk out of the case. He slowly slid it in and waited for the PVR to show that the disc was in the correct way. "Got to go to the bathroom, be right back." Dad said lifting himself off the couch and down the hall that had exactly five doors. The third door was the bathroom. "Okay..." He said sitting back on the couch. "Play it." He said. And the DVD started playing.

We were only on the beginning when all of a sudden our lights turned out. "Power-outage..." The mother said looking for a flashlight. "I'll go get the lantern..." The dad said opening the closet. The tv screen was on but it was only static, but Anna called it a blizzard because it looked like snow. "Pol....po...." The mother heard Lilly starting to say. "What? Honey she's started to talk!" The mother screamed in exitment. "Po...polt....poltrigias" Lilly said watching the static on the tv. Marc looked up. "What?" He said scooting closer. "Poltragists are coming.." Lilly said once again. "Mommmm...." Anna said crouching in the corner. Then the tv static turned off, all the light perished and now the house was filled with darkness. Then dad had the lantern and lit it, there was such a difference between our normal lighting.

"Lilly...?" Marc said slowly scooting closer and closer to her until his palms matched the soft fur from her pajamas. Then he jumped from the sight of Lilly's eyes, they were glowing bright; bright orange and had a bit of a red touch on the sides. "Dad!" Marc yelled quickly backing up as Lilly came rushing backwards toward him. The next thing they knew, was Anna scream from the corner, then everything went silent. The lights came back on and the living room was drenched in blood. Everything had been destroyed. Anna looked towards the chandelier and saw it swaying back and forth, she also noticed drops of blood heading up the spiral staircase.

"Mom! Dad! Marc!?" Anna yelled from beneath the staircase shivering as her bare foot touched the metal step. The next time she shivered wasn't because she was cold. It was because she was frightened when she finally reached the top. The family photos were crushed on the ground and only one survived, it was a picture of Marc. And it seems his wasn't even touched. Anna slowly headed towards her bedroom. "Hello?" She said as she heard grunting from under her bed. She slowly bent down in the door way. The orange eyes glowed at her. Then everything was rushed! Anna was now running down the hall for a hiding space. But Lilly was close behind her breathing heavily as she ran.

"Mommy! Daddy!?" Anna screamed as she locked herself in the bathroom. Bang! Bang! The door could easily break down! But everything went silent. Anna hid in the corner next to the door listening for anything of the sort. But nothing happened, it was still silent. Anna picked herself off the tile and slowly placed herself in the bathtub. "Maybe mom and dad are just hiding and maybe they will all come out in the morning?" Anna said forcing her eye lids to shut. But it was no use. It felt as if her mind were spinning. She thought about Lilly, Mom, Dad, and mostly Marc. Where could he be? In the kitchen cabinets? In the other bathroom?

Anna still couldn't sleep, the arch in the tub really roughened up her neck and made it ache. She jumped to the noise that sounded like a baby crawling. She covered her ears as she heard Lilly's giant scream. She quickly opened the cabinet and grabbed her medication. She took two pills and started to doze off. She sat on the floor and lightly placed her head on the fur mat that sat in front of the tub. Anna quickly fell into a dark, rough sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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