Chapter 13: Jikook

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          Jimin is acting normal now. He is acting like a normal hyung now, it's strange. Before he used to do and say a lot of suggestive things to me. But over time those advances have diminished. Now he hasn't done anything for a couple of months. But I have noticed he has been around Yoongi a lot more than me. He used to follow me around like a cute puppy but now he follows Yoongi. He has found someone new to play with, I guess. He is different though  his vibe is different there is love but also seriousness. Maybe he is serious about Yoongi? Does Yoongi even like men? Whatever, it pisses me off. His stupid smile and the way his eyes light up when Yoongi enters the room. I hate it. Why is he like that with Yoongi? Why does he now always smile with Yoongi and not with me? Why not anymore? He is probably tired of me. I always rejected his advances any normal person would get tired of chasing.

          Jungkook wrote down in a memo pad installed on his phone.

          As he went to press the power off button on his phone Jimin walked up to him curious about what he was writting feverishly.

          "what are you writting?" Jimin asked with the usual smile on his face.

          "None of your business!" Jungkook barked as he put his phone into his pocket. Quite pissed of at Jimin for not showing him attention anymore.
          Jimin noticed the maknae being cold with him the past few weeks and was becoming worried as to why. But as he was about to ask him why, Jungkook got up from his seat and left. That move hurt Jimin quite a bit.
          Why won't Jungkook talk to me? What did I do wrong?
          Though he quickly moved that thought aside because he needed to focus and mentally prepare himself for something else. Something very nerve wrecking and scary. Today just after the concert finished he was going to confess to Yoongi. Right now he felt extremely nervous and a bit down because if the maknae being cold with him.
          The concert was in a few hours and the rehearsals were about to begin so every member was off practicing there vocals and lines. Jin was practicing his dancing with Hoseok helping him. Yoongi and Namjoon were talking and practicing there rap. Jungkook and Taehyung were entertaining the camera that was filming them. As for Jimin he began to practice his high pitch vocals and lines. Soon after Teahyung joined Jimin and they began to joke around. Jungkook also joined them but made sure to keep distance from his hyung. Jimin knew this and became even more bothered than he was before. He wanted to ask but he couldn't, not right now. But sure as hell he was going to ask what was wrong. Before Jungkook acted cold towards him but never ignored him, He also was sweet occasionally.
          Rehearsals began and everything went without a hitch. Everyone was smiling making sure not to reveal there true emotions. Who knew that they still had to hid things even though they were so close? Each member had so much concealed in their hearts. Some more than others but still everyone had a secret they could quite vocalize yet. Jimin was excited while at the same time nervous for many different reasons but including the concert. It was there  last one after in which they were going to work hard for there next comeback. They are going to work hard for eachother and A.R.M.Y.   
          Jungkook passed by him as the concert was starting and fans were being let in. Jimin grabbed Jungkook's arm, he was going to ask him now because if he didn't he might never be able to and he might not have the time since he was going to confess to Yoongi.
          "Jungkook-ah we need to talk." Jimin said in a serious tone. Jungkook's heart skipped a beat but he hid it well and passed it off as a normal reaction to a sudden surprising action.
          "About what?" Jungkook responded in a monotone voice as he pulled his arm from Jimin's  grasp forcefully. Jimin started walking and moved his head to the side gesturing to Jungkook to follow him.
          He led Jungkook somewhere where the members were not around so they could have a private conversation. There was little time before they had to go back and perform so Jimin got to the chase.
          "You have been really cold to me lately so I want to know if you have some type of issue with me. Do you? If you do I swear I will try to fix it!"

          Jungkook stayed silent for a few second getting pissed at the question and the whole conversation in general. But he responded as calmly and monotone as possible
          "Tell me something.... Do you like Yoongi hyung?"
          Jimin became flustered and his cheeks were turning pink. Jimin was so cute right now, which pissed Jungkook off so much. He wanted Jimin to have that face but when thinking about him, While being with him, while being on top of him. He was getting really pissed off while every passing moment!
          "Of course you fucking do.." Jungkook muttered.
          Jimin was surprised by those actions. Jungkook usually cursed with a smile of his face which made him look scary but now his smile was gone and it made him look ten times more scary. It sent shivers down Jimin's spine.
          "Do you even know if Yoongi likes men?" Jungkook snapped.
          "W-what?" Jimin stuttered regretting starting the conversation. Goosebumps were starting to form all lover his body, he felt scared but amazed by the maknae's reaction.
          "You are not planning on telling him are you?"
          "T-thats none of your business!" Jimin barked feeling like he is being crushed.
          Jungkook became enraged and slammed his fist on the wall next to Jimin when he cornered him to a wall making Jimin unable to escape. Jimin's breath started to become uneven and he became dizzy and almost paralyzed with fear.
          "Hyung... What if he rejects you? Say hyung... Do you even know if Yoongi hyung likes men?" Jungkook asked while staring into Jimin's eyes with an intense furious stare.
          Jimin stood tense and answered with a wavering voice answered, "Even if h-he d-doesn't I want to at least T-t-try."
"Hyung.. Why him?" Jungkook whispered in Jimin's ear.
"W-what do you mean?" Jimin moved his head away

          "Hyung.... Can you choose me instead. I will make you more happy then Yoongi can, I swear." with every word drenched in sweetness and a mix of sadness like the air in September.

          "What are you talking about! Please stop!" Jimin demanded trying to push Jungkook away and make a run for it, but ultimately failing at doing so. But to his surprise he didn't have to struggle much since Jungkook let him go without much force. Jimin took that chance and ran back to the members leaving Jungkook standing there alone.

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