chapter twelve : FLASHBACK!!!

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             The rouges came in like the black plauge but one thousand times worse. They destroyed everything in their waking path. Villages, the elders, even the weeping trees. They killed all of the men, children, and old women. They left the young women alive. At the time I didn't know why but I had my ideas. "We left you all alive so we could have more women in our pack. Do what we say, whatever that is, and we wont kill you. " One of them said. O rolled my eyes, but then immeadiatly regretted my decison when the one who was speaking before came up to me. Damn. you teenage hormones. "You got something to say wench." he crossed the line. I stepped closer to him, now just centimeters away from his face. "Yeah, I do. A)  get pit of my face. B)  don't you dare call me wench and C)  you must be tucking yourself with an iron stick if you or any of your nasty mitts think you'll be rapeing me or any of these innocent girls!! " I screamed in his face. He grabbed my wrist, and a warm tingly sensation passes up and down my arm. My eyes immeadiatly widened because I knew what that ment. I wasn't raised with werewolfs for no reason. I pick up on a few things every now and then. I'm not a lycanthrope though. I'm a feline shifter or that's what I named myself.  I change onto a cheetah but I still had the mind link and the mate thing. The rouge dragged me away from the others. "What do you want with me! " I half screamed half whispered. He smashed his lips against mine. I immeaditaly wrapped my arms around his neck, twisting my fingers in his gorgeus brown hair. After a few minutes of making out he whispered my ear," Run."

     sorry I haven't updated latley. ive been busy w /school. I hope you liked this chapter and maybe you'll draw the connetion ;)

the alphas mate by: Izzy blackWhere stories live. Discover now