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Next day😝😝😝
I woke up and went to take a bath
And I wore this

wore makeup took a last look in the mirror and after I did that I went to eat breakfast with my brother

You:good morning oppa
Oppa(tae):morning sis
You:haven't seen you in a awhile,is it because of idol auditioning?
You:ahh OK oppa I understand
So you will stay Here tonight?
Oppa:no I won't I will be travelling to another country
You:Wae??!!! Oppa aniyo!??!!!
Oppa:mianheyo I have to,its only one week
Oppa: don't miss me to much,I'll be back as soon as possible
You:can I at least invite my friends here for a sleep over for one week?
Oppa:sure but make sure to not forget about me
You:I won't oppa
Now let's eat,you might be late for your flight
Oppa:OK OK
After a couple minutes we both finished eating I drove my car to the airpost to say goodbye to my oppa
And I went straight to school
I arrived there and saw my friends

Tzuyu:so let's head to class
We were walking to class all the people were whispering about us and stuff which I really don't care
You:guys before you go to class,I will have a sleep over in one week,you in?
😂Skip to home😚
I arrived home with my friends and we decided to watch a movie a romantic one
Tzuyu:I will get popcorn
Sana:I will get the drinks
You:I will prepare the movie
All:lets go!!😃

A:and here it ends I'm sorry. I'm really busy with school...lab you my readers

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