chapter 3

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The secret Oberoi ch3

The car doors opened in unison and a group of beautifully styled individuals got out looking like they were there straight from the pages of a fashion magazine. From the first car came Shivaay Singh Oberoi and a young woman, followed by a much older lady. From the second came Rudra Singh Oberoi, a chubby young woman with him, his mother Jhanvi Oberoi and finally, the artist himself, Omkara Singh Oberoi stepped out of a third car all alone, to the satisfaction and relief of one particular onlooker.

The entire group of students, faculty and family members watching the Oberois' entrance held their breath at the sight the family made. This was the first time in years that so many members of the Oberoi family had showed up at one event. And yet, nobody other than the Dean knew exactly why.

No one had dared to even approach any of the Oberois who were discreetly surrounded by their own security people. Gauri just stood behind Sania and her underlings, hoping for a bit more time before someone from the family found her. She needed to mentally prepare herself for the hoopla that would happen once her friends and college mates found out that she was part of the famous Oberoi business family.

But apparently, her Shankarji wasn't gonna listen to her today... because Gauri almost instantaneously felt it. 

The first person to spot her was as usual, her husband... Gauri could literally feel his gaze caressing her lovingly and she started to feel a blush creep up her cheeks in response. Without even looking in his direction, Gauri knew that her Omkara's eyes were studying her. Her body's innate response to his presence was almost overwhelming at that moment and she had to force herself to not turn in his direction or she would probably just make her way to him, ruining all her hard work of two years. The dramatic reveal, which was probably what her drama-loving family wanted, would just have to wait for a bit more.

The second one from her family to spot her however, was Shivaay bhaiyya. His blue-green eyes meeting hers within a few seconds of getting off the car, even though Gauri was half hidden in the back of the crowd that was forming at the Oberois' entrance. He subtly gestured to Anika, whose face broke out in a wide grin at spotting Gauri herself. Since Gauri was stood behind and slightly to one side of Sania, the young woman fell into the misconception that Anika Oberoi was smiling at her for some reason. Deciding to not look a gift horse in the mouth, Sania plastered a wide smile on her face and gathering her courage, walked up to where the famous family stood.

"Hello Mr. Oberoi... I hope you remember me, I'm Sania Mehta. Thanks for taking the time to come to our graduation ceremony today"

Shivaay, who'd just gotten down from the car and spotted his little sister in the crowd, was sort of distracted when he was suddenly faced with a young woman in a short dress and sky high heels, who was speaking to him as if she knew him.

"Oh... Don't mention it... er... Ms. Mehta. Do I know you?"

"Oh... I'm Vikram Mehta's daughter. We've met at a couple of parties..."

"Oh... yes. How is Mr. Mehta? I'm sorry for not recognizing you. I was somehow under the impression that he only had a son... So... Who're you cheering on today?"

Sania's face went red at SSO's assumption that she was there for some family member. Did he think she wasn't bright enough for this? Or horror of horrors, did he think she was too old?

"Oh no! I am graduating from here myself... are you here as a chief guest at today's ceremony?"

The difference was near instantaneous. The Shivaay Singh Oberoi who'd sounded curt and quite intimidating, was suddenly looking like a proud and happy father figure. It took Sania a hot minute to wrap her head around this version of SSO that she'd never even known existed. There was a wide smile on the face that had never been seen smiling in public and his grey-green eyes sparkled with pride.

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