Chapter 1- Unwelcoming Fate

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Song: BTS- 00:00 (Zero O'Clock)

~Irene Blair~

Strength is when you can smile even when you're being wronged and being able to carry on when you're treated like garbage. There's always a choice: Standing up for yourself when you are being wronged, or protecting yourself without confrontation. We chose the second choice. 

When I first turned into a wolf it felt painful and the pain of shifting never left to this day. Omegas don't get the support as every other wolves do, we are essentially the black sheep of the pack, ironic as wolves are meant to be the predators of human race no matter what ranking you are placed in. 

I blame my previous Alpha and Luna for the treatment we receive. We are meant to take care of the Pack and not be treated like slaves but no one ever follows the rules because as long as it benefits them, they do what they want regardless of the consequences. 

Today our job was to clean the whole Packhouse in preparation for Alpha Zachariah's arrival. It's quite annoying how us Omegas, aka my family, live an hour away from here yet we are expected to be there every morning to clean and maintain the hygiene and image of the Pack. 

Being the lowest rank of the Pack meant that we don't have a say in what we do so there was no point in complaining to the previous Alpha or Luna since nothing would change. I don't really care about the ranking system other than us being treated unfairly and don't get me wrong, I am satisfied with being an Omega because I am taught life skills that the normies would suffer with, and being able to cook, clean, and maintain the Pack is an honour. Without us, the Blue Celestial Pack wouldn't survive, they'd all have to start living in caves rather than this magnificent cabin mansion. 

Alpha Zachariah left the Pack around 10 years ago to undergo Alpha training, and two years ago he became the Alpha when he was 21 and then left again for two years to foresee how other packs work in order to fully prepare being an Alpha. During the Alpha ceremony I wasn't there as several Omegas hadn't been invited, yet were expected to prepare and clean up after it was done. 

Anyway, we all arrived at the Packhouse to start our jobs, I was to clean everyone's rooms including Alpha Zachariah's and for some reason I feel a little bit nervous to do so. What's disturbing about my job is that some pack members were so repulsive to leave condoms lying around their rooms, and guess who has to clean that... Me. I hate disgusting people. 

Thank goodness there weren't any 'surprises' to clean up, which now leaves me to clean the last one, Alpha Zachariah's. 

I opened the luxurious door and started my work of changing the curtains, bedsheets and general tidying up. As I was nearly done I couldn't help but think how it felt weird cleaning his room, I don't know why but it felt relaxing to be here which was odd since I've never really stepped a foot in this room until today. 

My heart flinched feeling his heating presence behind me, and instantly I lowered my head in respect as he stood in nothing but a towel, I didn't even notice that he was in the bathroom when I was cleaning. I awkwardly shook my head trying to avoid the mouth-watering scent that was engulfing me, the velvety rich aroma almost made me dizzy; as if my favourite flavours formed into one waiting for me to possess it. I sniffed slightly harder not wanting the scent to drift away, gosh my whole body succumbed onto this exciting feeling that I never felt in my life. It's like meeting your soulmate, feeling like you've known this person from the moment you met... 

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